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Walking like a zombie

Hello everyone

I took this benfothaimine vitamin B1 which is fat soluble lastg 3 days ago and the first two days I didn't get up at all and on day 3 I am walking like a zombie.

Can somebody give the rationale? I am so puzzled. I thought only GABA can do it if there is a Leaky BBB.

Please forum get me out of this state of mind. Its horrible thing i experienced in my life till date.
Eagerly awaiting your reply.

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Senior Member
Hello everyone

I took this benfothaimine vitamin B1 which is fat soluble lastg 3 days ago and the first two days I didn't get up at all and on day 3 I am walking like a zombie.

Can somebody give the rationale? I am so puzzled. I thought only GABA can do it if there is a Leaky BBB.

Please forum get me out of this state of mind. Its horrible thing i experienced in my life till date.
Eagerly awaiting your reply.


How much did you take @ramkishore


Senior Member

Sorry I cannot answer, but you might find someone on Dr Yasko's forum as they use B1 a lot for ASD's who also react strongly when taking it. Any chance you may be ASD?


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Hello everyone

I took this benfothaimine vitamin B1 which is fat soluble lastg 3 days ago and the first two days I didn't get up at all and on day 3 I am walking like a zombie.

Can somebody give the rationale? I am so puzzled. I thought only GABA can do it if there is a Leaky BBB.

Please forum get me out of this state of mind. Its horrible thing i experienced in my life till date.
Eagerly awaiting your reply.

Hello ramkishore- I experienced what felt like serious detox symptoms taking regular vitamin B-1, at about 200 mg a day, so I stopped it and a day or so later was fine. I did some reading on it and the best explanation I could find was that vitamin B-1 is needed for acetylation in the liver. Acetylation is part of the phase 2 detoxification pathway in the liver. So maybe you are experiencing detox symptoms. Jim
Yaa I have

Sorry I cannot answer, but you might find someone on Dr Yasko's forum as they use B1 a lot for ASD's who also react strongly when taking it. Any chance you may be ASD?
Yaa I have MTHFR A1298C Heterozygous and mercury poisioned also. You can see my signature for other mutations. New thing I am guessing is leaky BBB.
Please let me know your thought.
Hello ramkishore- I experienced what felt like serious detox symptoms taking regular vitamin B-1, at about 200 mg a day, so I stopped it and a day or so later was fine. I did some reading on it and the best explanation I could find was that vitamin B-1 is needed for acetylation in the liver. Acetylation is part of the phase 2 detoxification pathway in the liver. So maybe you are experiencing detox symptoms. Jim

Thanks Jim. Its really good explanation.Its fitting so close...so close.