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Senior Member
Hi, I'm putting this question here because I really don't know where else it should go, and it can be moved if not in the right place.....

Has anyone taken Vraylar? My psyche gave me a 7 day supply because he's very surprised at it's results so he picked out a few people he thought might work well with it.

My problem is mainly nothing much works right (plenty wrong) ever since I had that Cipro reaction and I'm wondering what other people might say about it.

I'm getting ready in a little while to do searches but before that I thought I'd start here......any input would be very appreciated. Thanks.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Has anyone taken Vraylar? My psyche gave me a 7 day supply because he's very surprised at it's results so he picked out a few people he thought might work well with it.
Could you say what sort of response he is hoping for? The indications the company gives are for "acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder and the treatment of schizophrenia." What is he hoping for in your case?


Senior Member
@Sushi , even though he thinks I'm not bipolar I was slapped with that diagnosis a few months after a mastectomy and my body was reacting to lack of hormones. Anyway, he said he's given it to several and they all come back and say that it feels like the sadness in their heart has left. He said they felt like life was so different, etc.

He knows what all I've gone through trying to get diagnosises, and ops, and results. He really wants this to work for me.I took a half yesterday morning and it was not a good experience. But by afternoon I was a lot better. I think I'll take a half tonight because today I got up and within 15 minutes I was singing and doing housework. I'm just so afraid of new meds.......