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$$$! Vote once now with Facebook for K-PAX ME/CFS "Synergy Trial" RCT - need 250 votes by Fri 17 Oct


Fine, thank you
Thanks to @shahida for alerting me to this.

K-PAX Pharmaceuticals Inc. are in the Chase Mission Main Street charity voting contest and say:

Over 2 million people suffer from a disabling disease called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. K-PAX Pharmaceuticals is testing a promising compound targeting this condition. Our Stanford-led clinical trial is now fully enrolled & our goal is to bring to market the first FDA-approved treatment for CFS.

I believe they're referring to the Synergy Trial of KPAX 002, a combination of an immune modulator with methylphenidate (ritalin). Their Product Pipeline page says:

KPAX 002 for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disease affecting over 2 million Americans. CFS currently has no FDA-approved approved treatments. We have combined a novel immune modulator with a currently available medication (methylphenidate) to produce a treatment for the debilitating fatigue and decreased alertness that commonly afflict people with CFS.

When administered as innovative therapy to fifteen prospectively recruited patients, KPAX 002 produced a significant improvement in both fatigue and concentration disturbance symptoms of greater than 50% after just 12 weeks. The CFS Nutrient Formula used in the preliminary investigation was K-PAX IMMUNE at a dosage of 4 tablets twice daily.

The Synergy Trial will evaluate the safety and efficacy of this unique treatment to address the fatigue and concentration disturbance symptoms (brain fog) experienced by people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

The CFS Nutrient Formula to be used in this trial is a broad-spectrum micronutrient supplement that provides CFS patients with vitamins, minerals, and other cofactors (amino acids and antioxidants) to complement the low-dose CNS stimulant (methylphenidate). In other words, therapeutic dosages of micronutrients are provided to support the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems to a level at which a low dose of methylphenidate may produce positive clinical effects on CFS symptoms and also be well tolerated.

The Synergy Trial is a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study that will enroll 120 participants at four research sites throughout the United States. The duration of the study intervention is 12-weeks. Study results are anticipated to become available in early 2015.

You can vote from anywhere in the world.

To vote (you must have a Facebook account), go here:


They've got 8 votes so far. They need 250 unique votes by Oct 17 (argh, Friday!) to be in with a shot at $150,000.

So, vote once, you're done! Thereafter, it's up to a panel of judges.

Let's get voting!


Fine, thank you
...and I should have added to please spread the word! We need to get 250 votes and to do it quickly.


Fine, thank you
243 votes now - either the 8 votes I saw earlier was some weirdness or we really have made over 230 votes in the last six hours.

So I think we're only 7 votes shy now of getting them into the next round! :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Sasha, Have those 250 votes been checked for irregularities? If not, it might not hurt to get some more votes in just in case there should be some irregular votes, which could be disqualified. The vote count is at 255 right now.


Fine, thank you
Sasha, Have those 250 votes been checked for irregularities? If not, it might not hurt to get some more votes in just in case there should be some irregular votes, which could be disqualified. The vote count is at 255 right now.

That's a very good point. I thought it felt weird not to be encouraging people to keep voting - it gave me a very uncomfortable feeling! So yes, good idea, let's get some more votes on there for good measure.



Senior Member
I got an email from them on Sunday saying they had 75 votes to go so seems like there's been an upsurge!
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Fine, thank you
I got an email from them on Sunday saying they had 75 votes to go and asking for more- i'd already voted so i think we're nearly there but a bit of a way to go. I think you'll know when it's over because after you vote the figure comes up- when the goal is reached i don't think you'll be able to vote

It says 267 now so I think it's just going to keep accumulating votes until Friday.

Bit of a weird one! Haven't seen this format before.