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Senior Member
New Zealand
It's very confusing because a lot of the entries seems to be old ones - there are only a few added in the last two months. Of those, it looks like Ryan is in second place in terms of votes in the leadership category with the Wildlife Refuge being the only one with more votes....


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I think the entire scheme is very confusing! The website is uninformative, confusing and difficult to navigate; and the competition rules are complex.

I read the rules a while ago and, if I remember correctly, at the end of the competition, the top 30 vote winners from all categories will be moved into the next stage of the competition and will be judged for the single big prize. The ultimate winner will be judged on merit by judges, based on various subjective criteria, and the votes won't count for much in the final stage of the competition. But I can't remember the exact details now, because I read them a while ago, and they are complicated, so i might have some details wrong.

In short, everyone should be aware that it's not a straight-forward voting competition.

But, hey-ho. I'm still voting! All the way to January. Except on my days off.

Edited to add: I've revisited the rules, and my memory was vaguely correct...
The Rare Life Award 2017 said:
...the top 30 nominees to receive the most votes overall, regardless of category, will be considered for Grand Prize and the 2016 Eagle Rare Life Award

The Rare Life Award 2017 said:
The top 30 submitted stories meeting all eligibility requirements will then be judged by the Sponsor, or its independent agent(s) who will determine which will be displayed on the Eagle Rare “Lead a Rare Life” website. Finalist judging will take place from Jan 5, 2017 to the week of March 6, 2017, and will be based on the following criteria: a) Relevance to the Promotion Theme (50%); b) Originality and Creativity (20%); c) Story Quality and Clarity (10%); and online voting by website visitors (20%). Ties, if applicable, shall be broken using only criterion "a." Criterion "a" shall be interpreted to mean how well a submitted story entry depicts the “Lead a Rare Life” theme. The entry with the highest overall score from the top 30 will then be placed on the Eagle Rare “Lead a Rare Life” website as the grand prize winner. In addition, the entries with the highest scores in each of the six categories will be placed on the Eagle Rare “Lead a Rare Life” website as category winners. Any voting that appears to be conducted using unfair methods, including the use by an individual of multiple email addresses, robotic, or third-party means, will be eliminated, and the voting party disqualified.


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Battery Muncher

Senior Member
I think the entire scheme is very confusing: the website is uninformative, confusing, unhelpful and difficult to navigate; and the competition rules are opaque, complex and confusing. Has anyone read the rules? I did a while ago. If I remember correctly, at the end of the competition, the top 30 vote winners from all categories have to compete for the big prize, but they won't win by votes; each entry will be judged on merit by judges at the end stage. But I can't remember the exact details now, because I read them a while ago, and they are complicated, so i might have some details wrong.

In short, everyone should be aware that it's not a straight-forward voting competition.

But, hey-ho. I'm still voting! All the way to January. Except on my days off.

Edited to add: my memory is vaguely correct-ish...

Full T&C's:

Thanks for looking up the rules. I agree with all your criticisms, which were very well expressed.

Fortunately, this competition does not require a great deal of investment (in terms of time, effort etc). So, like yourself, I will certainly keep voting until January