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Vote Daily To Help Blue Ribbon Foundation Win $50K For Medical Fellowships For ME


Senior Member
New Zealand
Morning everyone

Here's the total vote comparison graph. We are blue (Blue Ribbon).

As usual, the graph doesn't show the charity with the highest number of votes (Devoted Barn with 458,633 votes). Also, I haven't checked all the charities listed on the Eaglerarelife website to see if some charities that had low numbers of votes before have had a sudden increase in total votes. (If anyone wants to click on all the charities in a particular category e.g. Devotion and see if there are other charities that should be tracked on this graph, that would be great.)

And, for people new to this thread, the number of votes is only one criterion in the determination of who gets the prize. So, don't be discouraged and give up voting - we don't need to be first.

But, we seem to have settled in to a number of daily votes that has us falling off the pace a bit so do please keep voting every day and, if you can, find a friend to do the same. To vote, just click on the link http://www.eaglerarelife.com/content/ryan-prior and then click on 'Vote for this Story'.

comp 13 Nov.png

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
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Senior Member
New Zealand
Been thinking of you, and this thread's @Hutan, and other NZ members. Hope the earthquake, high waves and tides didn't affect you. Hope everyone is alright.

Thanks @Jennifer J. :) We felt the quake here in Christchurch, it was very long but fairly gentle and life goes on as usual. Kaikoura, a town on the coast to the north of us that relies on tourism for revenue, has been much more affected, currently with no road access or piped water or sewerage.
