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Vote Daily To Help Blue Ribbon Foundation Win $50K For Medical Fellowships For ME


senior member
Concord, NH
NOTE: We are allowed to vote just one time every 24 hours for Ryan's entry. Thanks!


Yeah, it's frustrating, going to miss days because I cannot keep on top of when every 24 hours transpires. Going to be at 11 tonight for me, hopefully I don't fall asleep by then!


PS Wish they would just keep track of days, so as long as you visit everyday you could vote!!


ahimsa_pdx on twitter
Yeah, it's frustrating, going to miss days because I cannot keep on top of when every 24 hours transpires ...

I have not been voting at the exact time every day but it's been working out okay.

When I go to the link to vote I see a button with either "Thank you for voting!" (that means I voted in last 24 hours or before they've reset it, don't know the exact algorithm) or "Vote for this story" (that means I can vote again).

If you vote from the same computer each time then I think this should work.

I could not keep track of it if I had to actually keep track of 24 hour periods. :eek::confused:

Anyway, I hope this works for others - I don't know what I'm doing differently to make this happen for me.