vocal cord paralysis


Senior Member
North Carolina
I had been having a hoarse voice since before Christmas. It came on suddenly...I was talking and it suddenly went hoarse. I didn't think much of it especially since I hadn't been sick. It lingered on and on so after 2 weeks I went to the doctor. They did an ultrasound of my thyroid since I am hypo with nodules and the scan was fine. I then went to and ENT who looked at my vocal cords and discovered my right sided vocal cord was totally paralyzed.
He had several theories including viral onset..some type of tumor pressing on the nerve...or other (unknown).

I had a CT scan today with contrast which came out clear. He now believes it has to be some type of viral attack on the nerve. I also told him I had been diagnosed with Lyme back in 2006 so he isn't sure if that is still lingering.
I am just wondering if anyone has ever had this as a symptom with CFS. I was told it could last up to a year and I may need to go to speech therapy at some point.
I am still very hoarse (the dunkin donuts drive through guy had no idea what I was trying to order) and it has been very difficult at work. It has now been over 4 weeks and am just wondering if anyone has any knowledge or information about this being a symptom of CFS...


senior member
Concord, NH
I get a hoarse voice when I speak for about 5 to 10 minutes. I usually use a couple of cough drops a day to keep my throat wet. I was diagnosed with chronic pharyingitis, so never really thought much more about it. I believe the chronic p. is one of the things used to diagnose CFS.



Senior Member
Victoria, Australia
I haven't double checked this but I think there may be something in the CCC that mentions hoarseness of voice as an accompaniment of M.E. If not there, I have read it somewhere else. It has certainly been my experience too.........although not sure to what extent actual observable paralysis of vocal cords is present in all cases as usually we don't get tested or checked out very thoroughly.

It's very possible though as paralysis of all sorts of other body organs has been my experience at least with M.E.


Senior Member
It's all certainly all been my experience too - a little easier now and don't know the answer but your Doc's theories sound good to me soxfan.


Senior Member
North Carolina
When this first happened in December I tried cough drops and sprays thinking it would help but didn't. I asked the doctor why and he said it was because my vocal cord is actually paralyzed and no amount of lubrication is going to help it. I might have to do the speech therapy so I can learn how to speak clearly only using one chord or else I will be unable to work since I work in a pharmacy trying to help customers. My voice is hoarse 24/7Th to certain degrees. It is also sometimes difficult to swallow food/liquid and walk at a faster pace since there is only one side of the opening to my throat working. The other is totally closed. I read up about it after the diagnosis and it is much more complicated than just hoarsness. At least now I know why I was getting out of breath walking up the stairs at the doctor's office...Thanks for everyone's thoughts.
The official diagnosis is unilaterial vocal cord paralysis...


Senior Member
Potentially, learning difficulties and brain function problems can be affected by the trauma of being strangled by the umbilical cord during birth. Feeling disconnected from the body and lowering the amount of oxygen to the brain. Apparently a baby is still being fed by the umbilical cord and yet having problems coming out of the womb, can affect psychologically how resilient babies are to the world, seeing as how its the unpairing between mother and son and the first chance to be apart from that connection and live off our own body mechanics.

Not directly related to your post but a sidebar.


Senior Member
North Carolina
ric- yeah my whole illness has been defined by all the strange symptoms I have had. I am seeing my Lyme doctor next week and I am sure he is going to be floored by this one. Even my co workers are baffled by all this..especially my boss. I can't talk to the customers so I am not sure what I am going to do regarding my job. Hopefully it clears up on its own. Thanks for the info...