Here is an interesting (if very long and dry) essay about Vit D that basically refutes the MP:
I'm not singling you out in my response here, so please don't take it that way. But your post brought up some thoughts that I wanted to share.
I don't post frequently over at the MP "CureMyTh1" site because I feel they are extreme, and promote a very extreme viewpoint. I think this is an equally extreme viewpoint.
I would like to think that folks savvy enough to be here on this website would understand that 1) one can find a scientific paper to promote/refute any view they choose to take, 2) mainstream medicine doesn't have all the answers, and 3) a black/white, either/or approach probably isn't applicable - we're talking shades of gray here.
Again, I feel like this applies to methylation as well as MP. Biological systems are complex and not well understood. Each well-intentioned scientist believes that THEIR hypothesis/approach is the correct one, typically to the exclusion of all else.
Folks here are dealing with medical issues that don't fit into the current modern medical box. I believe that if someone is making progress using a particular protocol, that's great and it means it works for them. If they aren't, it doesn't mean the protocol is useless, perhaps just not applicable to them at that time.
I am personally making good progress with the pieces of the MP I choose to use (and with some non-MP treatments I also choose to use, e.g. LDN and Homeo KMAF) and hope to make further progress with the parts of SMP I'll be using, based on what I've learned from the PR website.
My lab results indicate that Benicar has had a positive effect on my extremely high 1,25D, hypercalcemia, inappropriately low PTH, and high CRP - regardless of what anyone's website says! I have other issues that aren't addressed by Benicar, which is why I'm exploring SMP for those.