Virology podcast on XMRV


TWiV #114, top 10 virology stories of 2010
Nothing new here but they talk about XMRV for the first 10 min of the podcast.

Somewhere in the beginning Rich said that the process is important but that we probably won't make significant progress for XMRV in 2011. He may be right. Disappointing for me. Vincent however said that within 6 months from now we will have results from the blood safety working group. That could be a big one.


Senior Member
Somewhere in the beginning Rich said that the process is important but that we probably won't make significant progress for XMRV in 2011.

What a way to start the year :thumbsup:

If humanity is every hit by a fast spreading and deadly virus, we are all screwed. Science is too slow.


senior member
Concord, NH
What a way to start the year :thumbsup:

If humanity is every hit by a fast spreading and deadly virus, we are all screwed. Science is too slow.

"We are NOT all screwed" there are always surviors to infectious diseases, even Ebola, otherwise the virulent organisms would cease to exist themselves! But let's hope the people who have dragged their feet etc go down with the rest of us!


Senior Member
"We are NOT all screwed"

No offense, I tend to agree with Jemal. :D

My word is not gospel, but there are numerous examples of entire species being wiped out time and again in the 450 billion year history of our little “rock”. The most notable so far to us is the dinosaurs; a very plausible theory holds they were destroyed by a common pathogen. Humans are balancing ever so precariously on the edge of disaster. We inhabit all corners of the globe, all vertebral animals have similar immune defense mechanisms, we can travel anywhere within a week, and we are completely incompetent at stopping infections (#1 global killer, by a wide margin). The pathogen would not have to wipe out the entire species itself. Just knock it down to a poor chance of survival, and statistics will do the rest. (Say wipe out everyone but a few gay people, the species is dead, or for that matter us CFSr's. We sure don’t want to procreate like this.)

Hell, we are all testament to how inadequate our science is at protecting us. :eek: :eek:

"But let's hope the people who have dragged their feet etc go down with the rest of us!"
Amen to that!

“Hope”? maybe we should actively plan it? It’s ok for our government to plan violence and destruction; maybe we need a little MADD program of our own. We are about the least violent group around; we can barely do our own grocery shopping.

(We suffer the consequences of their actions. If we really were the most intelligent creature; seems like we could figure out how to at least make people suffer from their own actions. Not remain unharmed while hurting thousands of others.) (If I run over your foot in my car; I can loose my house. If I have a Phd. I can hurt thousands, claim that I'm just "practicing" and suffer no consequence. Who came up with this twisted idea of justice?)

HEADLINE "Scientist found dead from his own incompetence". You never see that!
HEADLINE "Doctor found dead from trying to play psychiatrist." or "Doctor found dead after making wrong diagnosis on patient for the eleventh time'" how about "Multiple doctors contract inability to give a shit from CFS patients after multiple ineffective treatment methods." Now theres a headline, maybe we're actually catching this from the medical community?

I propose; we loose our ability to function, after seeing a few medical practitioners that don't know what they are doing, or, really don't care. They gave it to us! They should be quarantined! :rolleyes:
