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VIH vs XMRV, why do we have so much fatigue with CFS?


Senior Member
That might appear as a stupid question but I'm wondering about why aids patients aren't as tired as us until the are near dead while we are extremely fatigued with CFS and far from dying.

They even start to develop opportunistic infections couple of years before dying and they don't feel as much fatigue as us I believe. Fortunately, the treatments they are now taking is helping not going to that stage as fast.

It's odd isn't it? does XMRV target mitochondrial function? or something else would explain it? I would talk more about it and try to appear like I understand the science behind retroviruses but I don't know anything and I'm a bit in the fog right now... :Retro redface:

P.S. I couldn't find an appropriate section where to post this sorry, think it was the wrong choice after looking twice


That might appear as a stupid question but I'm wondering about why aids patients aren't as tired as us until the are near dead while we are extremely fatigued with CFS and far from dying.

They even start to develop opportunistic infections couple of years before dying and they don't feel as much fatigue as us I believe. Fortunately, the treatments they are now taking is helping not going to that stage as fast.

It's odd isn't it? does XMRV target mitochondrial function? or something else would explain it? I would talk more about it and try to appear like I understand the science behind retroviruses but I don't know anything and I'm a bit in the fog right now... :Retro redface:

P.S. I couldn't find an appropriate section where to post this sorry, think it was the wrong choice after looking twice

mitochondrial dysfunction is characterised by PEM and or excercise intolerance.There is no evidence of the prolonged NO elevation and glutathione depletion in AIDS patients both will lead to MITO damage.Gamma viruses have been shown to directly damage mitochondrial DNA but lentil viruses(HIV) have not


Señor Mumbler
Thanks Gerwin, I always learn something from your posts. Are there websites where a person with a decent science background (but no biology) can begin to learn virology (or the foundations thereof)?


bel canto

Senior Member
Yes, thank you, Gerwyn!!!! We're so lucky to have someone with your knowledge of virology on this forum - and with the patience to both challenge bad info/speculation as well as explain the meaning of some of these findings. Please know how appreciated you are.