Vibrational Therapies?


Senior Member
I put a question mark at the end of the title because I'm not sure what to call these therapies.

During my Reiki treatment, the two practitioners talked about chakras. I knew nothing about chakras, so I tried to remember what they had to say and then did a websearch when I got home.

She'd said it seemed that my root chakra was almost closed. And that my throat chakra was ...weak? I may not have the terminology right, I was quite foggy when she was talking, and as I said, this was all new to me.

The root chakra, I discovered, is from the base of the spine, to the pubic bone, and everything in between. It's supposed to have to do with a sense of security, of belonging, of safety. It relates to jobs, money, connection to the rest of the world. It is related to the adrenals.

Especially since I got sick, this sounded right.

As to the throat chakra, it has to do with the ability to communicate our thoughts and feelings, the ability to express inner creativity. It is related to the thyroid.

Certainly I had taken a beating in this area since becoming ill.

Further reading took me to scientific articles about vibrations. Specifically, the vibrations in our vocal chords when we sing. Apparently good chemicals are released (I'm rusty on this, I'll have to look up the particulars again) when we sing as our vocal chords vibrate.

So I began to sing again. Dragged my keyboard out of the closet where I had ditched it 6 yrs ago and played old songs I used to play, and I sang. Sang while I was doing chores around the house, while I was doing nothing at all, while I was going for a walk.

Do I think it has helped? Yes.

Do I understand why or how? No I don't.

Would I recommend it? Definitely.


Phoenix Rising Founder
I think I know almost for sure where my chakras are blocked - my base one's obviously all stuffed up - no action down there for years. About 10 years ago my libido increased dramatically when I was doing sitting meditation - I was really sending some energy down there. Some negative side effects though made me stop. A much more rigorous attempt at meditation over the past year did nothing at all for my libido unfortunately(!)- those base chakras remained untouched alas. Love to get them going!


Senior Member

You ever done a websearch on chakras? There's alot out there.

It has been awhile since I was looking into this and I am rusty but I do remember finding information like exercises for the different areas that can help.

Don't know what your view is on the stones and crystals and whatnot -- I haven't read enough to have an opinion myself, but there is that type of info as well.


Senior Member
Here are a couple other libido supplements that I know of.

L-Arginine and saw palmetto are both good, with no side effects to worry about. Sometimes Niacin can make a difference as well.


Senior Member
Something I tried early on in this, for general energy level, was avena sativa (extract of green oats). It's used for nerves and for general energy, also specifically for sexual energy.

Well it didn't amp me up in the general energy dept. noticeably, but it certainly worked for the sexual energy part. Since I am boyfriendless, I discontinued using it as I didn't sense I was getting a lot of other benefits from it and was already taking handfuls of supplements a day. But it would definitely be worth a try for the libido, esp. as any of the side effects it might have would be good ones for us. It's also inexpensive; I got mine at Swanson's.


Senior Member
Asheville, NC
Therapeutic Touch /Healing Touch

In Nursing we learned an energy therapy, Therapeutic Touch. Then several years ago I spent a year learning "Healing Touch." I chose those two therapeutic modalities, because both are recognized in Nursing. I so loved taking the time to perform them with patients, especially because it was time for them to have one on one care. So healing...both for the patient AND the nurse!


Senior Member
Asheville, NC

Great book titles:

Vibrational Medicine Richard Gerber, MD

Wheels of Light: Chakras,Auras,and the Healing Energy of the Body
Rosalyn Bruyere

Both, must haves for energy healing....

We possess such healing energy..for ourselves and for each other.


Vibration therapy is actually treatment which uses vibrations to improve your condition. There are several types of this therapy: Reiki vibrational therapy, magnetic therapy, acutonics Tuning Fork therapy, Drumming vibrational therapy, etc. Vibration therapy will help you to relax and will relief you from stress. I hope this answer was what you were looking for.


Senior Member
You might be interested in the "vocal toning" thread I started. Vocal toning involves toning a note 7 times with 7 long slow out breaths and each note is a different chakra starting with your tail bone and ending on top of the head. There are 7 chakra points from one end of the spine to the top of the head and you tone a different note at each point. Google search for Vocal Toning and Jonathan Goldman or find my original thread on the subject. I bet you'd like it! It can clean out sinuses, relax all the muscles along the spine, and generally bring one to an incredibly peaceful place. Works fine alone with a CD/tape, but even better with one or more people toning together, live. ~Fern

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I think any type of energy that gives you energy is the way to go!! Reiki is wonderful. So is accupuncture and reiff treatments. Stretching is so easy for most and incredibly valuable. I wish I had the energy to sing, but I don't. I love singing...just letting it all out!