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Very bizarre TH17 immune response


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Hey forum friends,

i already have a thread about this but I feel like i wanted to give this topic more room, I hope thats okay with you. I do not mean to spam or bloat up the forum traffic I am just genuinely interested in understanding these topics - I really hope thats okay with you.

I did a lot of new laboratory tests and the results seem to be odd. I expected the TH1 immune response to be too high or too low as a reaction on chronic infectious stuff but it was perfectly fine. The issue was somwhere else, where it wasnt expected and I havent found anything in particular about a th17 or th2 deficiency on the web.

Here's the results:

Histamine (+) 75,1 (<65,5) µg/l
TNF-alpha (+) 8,4 (<8,1) ng/l
IP-10 (interferon gamma induced protein) 31,6 (<300) pg/ml

IFN-g (TH1) 631
(374-1660) pg/ml
IL-4 (TH2) 17,5 (28-141) pg/ml
TH1/TH2 Ratio: 36,1 (+) (6,1-21,0)
IL-2 (TH) 171 (94-347) pg/ml
IL17 (TH17) (-) 17,1 (49,0-446) pg/ml
IL-10 (Treg) 367 (274-1323) pg/ml


..and we built castles in the Sky.
For everyone interested my constant hunger for informations has found this study, what do you think?


All of the polysaccharide fractions tested induced IL-17 production at different concentration levels.

So theoretically Reishi could induce a IL-17(Th17) immune response according to this study.

Further Reishi seems to have little to no effect on IL-4 (Th2), but other healing mushrooms could be beneficial:
The data is very conflicting however. In their graphics IL-4 seemed to elevate with further beta-glucan intake but the text said that with IL-12 induction of beta glucan the IL-4 would become supressed. So maybe beta glucan can increase IL-4 in numbers but decrease its functionality? We have to be careful.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Have you checked mineral status and vitamin status. Antioxidants?
I have checked and i always seem high in caclium and low in copper and magnesium. my glutathione levels are being checked and the lab values should return in 10 days ( detoxification )

What is interesting however that the active form of vitamin D named Calcitriol seems to heavily impair IL-17 secretion:
The active form of vitamin D (1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3) has been found to 'severely impair' [37] production of the IL-17 and IL-17F cytokines by Th17 cells.

My Calcitriol is actually borderline elevated so this could heavily contribute to this issue.

It seems that the subset of ME/CFS patients that are not becoming ill anymore (e.g. common cold) have this downstream of events:

inflammation -> vitamin d receptor disruption -> calcitriol elevation -> IL-17 impairment -> impaired immune response