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Que sera sera
I have had non stop vertigo for 2 years now. Except one day on January 20, 2018. It did get somewhat better after iv antibiotics in July 2017 but returned with avengence.Today is one of those days I feel so alone bc not many people have it this constant. Anyone else out there? I had bad reactions treating lyme, etc. and got worse and unfortunately cannot be on any vitamins right now despite a very low D level and I am sure B. Doing the best I can...looking for hope. SOOOOOO tired of spinning, I always feel like the room is moving day and night.


Senior Member
I had some vertigo like symptoms short time when had flu , i figured it must be caused by virus or bacteria in ear or near ear , i then taked all sort of antimicrobials ( natural ) and the thing go away, and has be gone since then. There are other causes like Calcium crystals in ear, maybe vitamin D and K ( 3 forms ) might start effecting , distilled water might also remove calcification and since it`s only water could even put it in the ear. It`s sad that you cant now take even vitamins .


It`s for sure unpleasant when spinning


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
I get vertigo every now and then. It's pretty mild but still really bothers me! I feel like I'm going to fall over, even when I'm standing still.

I can't imagine what it's like to have that feeling constantly. It use to be worse and would happen a lot when I was walking, especially in a flare. So I had to stop, so I wouldn't run into a wall or something.


Que sera sera
I get vertigo every now and then. It's pretty mild but still really bothers me! I feel like I'm going to fall over, even when I'm standing still.

I can't imagine what it's like to have that feeling constantly. It use to be worse and would happen a lot when I was walking, especially in a flare. So I had to stop, so I wouldn't run into a wall or something.
it is horrific. So awful.
i would be scared to walk around with low vit D. its so important for our bodies, maybe even the cause of your vertigo. my rheumy gave me a script for it, mine wasnt even that low. it was for 10, 000 but only for 10 days. it blasted it into normal. and i felt wonderful. asked if i could take it longer , she said no. sorry thats all i have to report to you. but i hope you feel better soon. joanie


Que sera sera
i would be scared to walk around with low vit D. its so important for our bodies, maybe even the cause of your vertigo. my rheumy gave me a script for it, mine wasnt even that low. it was for 10, 000 but only for 10 days. it blasted it into normal. and i felt wonderful. asked if i could take it longer , she said no. sorry thats all i have to report to you. but i hope you feel better soon. joanie
I know that's one of my fears that I am trying to solve, we have tried every kind of D transdermal, oral etc and I am having HORRIBLE reactions to it....sigh....I need to take some deep breaths and remain calm.

I have to get stronger so my body accepts supplements again, trying not to get stressed over the supplement ting (MAST CELL and POTS reactions).


Senior Member
It would be wise to go check your calcium levels if not done yet, becouse it seems there is link between hypercalcemia----vertigo----worsening after taking vitamin D , so if you had hypercalcemia taking vitamin D vould be something that can cause even more harm at this point. Many have magnesium deficiency that is needed for calcium , vitamin K ( 3 different forms ) would remove calcium from blood to bones . So without knowing your calcium status i would not take vit D at all. Magnesium and vitamin K both should help with hypercalcemia .


Gingko biloba might help vertigo


Senior Member
South East England, UK
@sunshine44 I really do feel for you as I used to get horrific vertigo attacks and it was one of the reasons I think that my adrenals eventually stopped producing sufficient cortisol and I needed a steroid.. Anyway since taking Prednisolone and treating my thyroid I have never had an attack like I used to get thankfully.

However I do still get dizzy attacks when my cortisol is low or it can be part of a pre-migraine attack and a few hours later the dizziness will be replaced by pain in my temples (one sided) which gets worse as time goes on if I don't treat the attack with Sumatriptan and paracetamol.

Migraine Associated Vertigo or MAV s a recognised condition so it might be worth looking into this, alternatively it can be a symptom of too low cortisol. The vertigo attacks left me unable to leave the house for long periods of time and I am forever grateful that I no longer get them in the way I did throughout the 80s, 90s and early 2000s. At times I didn't know if I was lying down propped up with loads of pillows or lying flat, and I was unable to move without such extreme dizziness I didn't dare make any small movement.

Wearing dark glasses helped a bit btw.

What did also help was Stemetil 5mg and 10 or 20 mg Propananol to stop my heart from racing and I still take that on a daily basis for POTS and occasional Stemetil for the pre-migraine dizzy attacks if they are nasty.

I hope you will get to the cause of your vertigo.


Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
vitamin K ( 3 different forms ) would remove calcium from blood to bones . So without knowing your calcium status i would not take vit D at all. Magnesium and vitamin K both should help with hypercalcemia .

Hi @Archie I also have problems with vertigo, but found this thread specifically searching for info on proper dosages of vitamins K1 and K2. I have seen drastically different amounts in different vitamin D formulations. Does anyone know what amounts of each are best? Thanks!


Senior Member
@Tiger Lily 813

Hi Tiger lily 813 , i think vitamin K is very safe , infact becouse of lack of data about adverse effects , they have not set tolerable upper limit for vitamin K

I taked that super k even 4 pills /day , no side effects from it, i was longer time without vitamin K supplement. so at first i thought lets`s take some extra few days . I think the only possible danger come when take vitamin K together with coagulation (clotting) drugs, but only together. i think it has been debunked that vitamin K would be risky on generally in people with blood coagulation issues, many says still it as risky , but they have old / wrong knowledge about it i think . Vitamin k is needed for normal blood coagulation, problem comes when not have it.

But the dosage of 1-2 pils per day ,taken allways with fat is enough dosage , i only taked few days 4 pils to make bigger effect . All those 3 different forms do different things i think, so all important to take and not just MK-7 for example.
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Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
Thanks for this info @Archie ! I was wondering about how much K1 to take in proportion to K2 and the actual amounts of each. So this is good to have the reference of the supplement data. It looks like they are almost equal in this one.
I've been seeing a lot of vitamin D being sold with K2 only lately, and then the vitamin D that my doctor recommended had a LOT of K1 and a little K2. So that's why I was confused and wondering which ratio is correct :)


Senior Member
New England
I have been developing vertigo after years of bad hypotension, but now my balance is particularly threatened. It showed up the first time when extra tired. Then subsided after a couple of days but came back when I got an infection. It then subsided after a few days. Then the next infection it came back. This time it didn’t leave all the way as before. It is accompanied by nausea. I started improving with rest—nausea stopped—but slight vertigo again when out for a walk. Then I made the mistake of trying to rush for a bus. I cannot run anymore but walking with as much push as I could do. This backfired, I lost balance and fell, scraping and bruising a knee. A big wake up because I cannot afford to fall at all...Scary!


Senior Member
New England
I wonder if the LDN I have been on for 6 weeks, gradually trying to titrate up from .5 to 4.5 mg, could be contributing to my vertigo? I have also had more stress, exertion and anxiety over the past 4 months than ever, so my main suspect is that. Stuck in more stress and anxiety from being new in a city, with its complexities, and difficulties, as well as too much noise stimulation. So far no perceived benefit from LDN and I am almost at 3.5 mg. Maybe the first order of busines is to move to a quieter, easier place, but if there were a quick fix for this dangerous vertigo and if dropping the LDN migh help, or do it, that would be worth “my life as the risk of a bad fall now is too great.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I was under the impression that LDN was best for ME/CFS at 2.5mg. I have not been able to get to try LDN but many on this board have and I bet someone will chime in.

Moving would cause me to have PEM and all my sensitivities would peak. I do get vertigo, I think mine is blood pressure. Do you have POTS?

Have you been to an ENT Dr to see if it is Meniere's disease? One of my close friends has that and is being treated and learning to cope with it. I have horrible sound sensitivity and have a thread that I will link HERE hope that helps.
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I think the only possible danger come when take vitamin K together with coagulation (clotting) drugs, but only together. i think it has been debunked that vitamin K would be risky on generally in people with blood coagulation issues, many says still it as risky
Vit K1 is specifically for blood clotting. When I had to stop taking all supplements because of strange and deeply unpleasant reactions, I accidentally cut into the upper part of one of my fingers while slicing up my daily ration of cheese for protein (wasn’t tolerating meat at that time, either), and it bled alarmingly, and for a very long time. It was like I’d cut an artery ….. great gushers of blood that just wouldn’t stop. It went on for almost 2 hours. It looked like I'd slaughtered farm animals in my kitchen and bathroom, based on the great wads of gauze, kleenex, Telfa pads, toilet paper etc in the trash bins.

I realized that I somehow had to add at least some K1 back into my laughable and very restricted diet, and I found some liquid drops online that have worked like a charm, and haven’t caused any negative response.
I haven’t cut myself since, but I have no doubt that it wouldn’t be a repeat of the hemophliac-like response

All those 3 different forms do different things i think, so all important to take and not just MK-7 for example.
As far as I can tell, the two most critical forms of K2 are the subsets of Vit K2, MK-4 and MK-7. MK-4 has been dismissed by online health bloggers and researchers for years in favor of MK7, which was regarded as the gold standard for transporting calcium to bones and teeth as opposed to arteries and other soft tissues, as well as promoting the regrowth. rebuilding, and healing of bones.

As it turns out (and I’m sure that wheel will turn, yet again), MK4 is actually far more potent in terms of calcium transport and proper utilization than MK7, and has even been found to be effective long terms in dissolving aortic calcium deposits. It has a short half-life, about 4 hours I think, as opposed to MK7 which has a half-life exceeding a full day.

So it seems that to be safe, we should be taking all three of those primary forms. The K vits, as another poster here has noted (forgive me, too fatigued today to go back thru posts and give full credit, but as they say at awards shows, “You know who you are”), are not dangerous if taken in high quantities, and are measured in micrograms. I take about 4000 mcgs of MK4 and 100 mcgs of MK7, largely because it’s more expensive and it takes a loootttt of drops to get to 100 mcgs. I try for 2x a day, but usually just manage 1x a day.

I also take liquid Vit D3, which I’ve managed to edge up considerably from my starting dose. I’m at 9000 mcgs now.

Both the K vits and D3 are best taken with some form of animal fat for max absorption. I use olive oil or sometimes butter.

Hope this helps. It's so confusing to plod thru the battles of the bloggers and research papers and sites that are selling one or the other......

EDIT: I forgot to add that Vit D3 should not be taken at the same time as the K7 and K4. I generally separate them by about 12 or more hours, if possible. All of them are potentiated and better absorbed with a little fat.

There. Definitely done.
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