
A good starting dose and If It helps then stay at that dose. Dont expect big changes in cfs symptoms but just better mood and able tolerate all the crap better. A saying i have about antidepressants is they make u feel better about feeling like shit. Many of us need a boost every so often. Hope it works for you.

I really like your saying. I feel more reassured about taking that low dose of 2.5 mg def won`t get rid of cfs but i fit improves my anxiety and ability to deal with the crap of cfs then i`ll be truly grateful for it!
Do you know much about turmeric as a supplement for anxiety .just asking!


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I really like your saying. I feel more reassured about taking that low dose of 2.5 mg def won`t get rid of cfs but i fit improves my anxiety and ability to deal with the crap of cfs then i`ll be truly grateful for it!
Do you know much about turmeric as a supplement for anxiety .just asking!
Get 4 x a day cortisol saliva testand dhea. High is common with anxiety and sometimes low can also. Supplements that may help that dont interact with ad's are relora, withania are worth looking into.
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thanks for the info. I`ll look into those. I`ve not heard of relora but heard of withania.By the way. I see you are in Australia. Im in new Zealand. Do you kn ow any where to get LDN in aussie or Nz. im wanting to try it but no one is really onto that here. Plus do you know of any good cfs specialists that do Skype or anything. Who do you see etc etc. perhaps I need to start a new thread. sorry for all the questions but my cfs is very severe and im getting desperate to get on the right track.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Most find an online source of naltrexon usually 50mg and then either disolve it in a dosed amount of water or cut it in quarters and from there crush the quarter and divide the powder into 3s and cap then so its approximately 4mg.

My doc does Skype and phone consults but I think legally u have to see them face to face every 12 months.
