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Valentijn . where's website for controls for comparison?


Senior Member
Sth Australia

I dont know how to figure out which at 23andME are mutations and which arent when I look something up, is there a trick to this? I really wish I could get my head around it.

Also where is that website where one can get raw data to compare for controls?



Senior Member
I dont know how to figure out which at 23andME are mutations and which arent when I look something up, is there a trick to this? I really wish I could get my head around it.
Basically by reading the research. Sometimes snpedia.com will have a good summary. If just looking for what's rare, there's "MAF/Minor Allele Count" near the top of the page for results at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=
Also where is that website where one can get raw data to compare for controls?
opensnp.org has SNP data from various services which many people have shared. I downloaded all of that, deleted the ones that aren't from 23andMe, and pasted 12 non-fatigued people's results into an excel sheet to compare to our patient results.