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Vacinnes and mast cell activation

Hello - I posted this in the methylation board but thought maybe it should've been here.

Does anyone know of potential risks from vaccines for the A1298C mutation and it's affect on mast cells? I have been really struggling for the past few months, but I just figured out another piece of the puzzle. I had 3 vacinnes RIGHT before these problems started. Ironically, it was just after I started the methyl supplements. Perhaps the combo was not good for my body.

If you know my story, I began treating for MTHFR (A1298C mutation) by a practitioner who doesn't understand the whole issue and haven't been the same since. I reached a point where I couldn't tolerate ANY food b/c it led to difficulty breathing and head pressure. I also developed multiple chemical sensitivity. The past 4 wks have been hell. I've only been able to eat about 5 foods.

After seeing multiple drs and one making a connection to mast cells/histamine, I think this is causing my problems.

I've read one person state that vaccines can cause the mast cells to become overactive, leading to an increase in histamine. I think this could be the cause for my problems. Is anyone aware of this connection?

I also want to determine if I have a mast cell disorder or was this just a one-time deal of mast cell problems caused by the vaccines? But it has been 8 months, and I"m not better, in fact much, much worse.


Senior Member
Sorry to hear you are so ill, Mindy. I know how hard it is to be able to tolerate so few foods. I really don't know anything about methylation, but many things may trigger mast cells including supplements and vaccines. There is a link in my signature about possible triggers, although what triggers one person may not affect another. It tends to be pretty individualized.

Histamine is just one of many the substances released by mast cells, but at least it's one for which there is some relief. Do you know if you can tolerate any antihistamines?
@camas - Thanks for your reply. I tried taking Claritin a few wks ago (this was before my situation was as severe as it is now, and it seemed to give me head pressure due to the chemical sensitivity I just acquired, so I did not continue it. I've since started an herbal antihistamine, which I think has helped a little. But my days are still very up and down.

Do you know if this reaction, likely from the vaccines, means that I have a mast cell disorder and will have it for good; or is it more like an immune over-reaction that can be addressed and will pass?

I found a function med. dr. that thinks it's in part due to a leaky gut and dysbosis (I have 2 parasites, yeast and h. pylori in the gut) and thyroid disfunction. He thinks I can get back on track by addressing the above. I believe this theory, but wonder if I should pursue a mast cell disorder testing as well. As you know, it's hard to find a dr. for this .

This is all new to me. Prior to the vacinnes, I had no serious medical issues and was happy/healhly.


Senior Member
@camas - Thanks for your reply. I tried taking Claritin a few wks ago (this was before my situation was as severe as it is now, and it seemed to give me head pressure due to the chemical sensitivity I just acquired, so I did not continue it. I've since started an herbal antihistamine, which I think has helped a little. But my days are still very up and down.

Do you know if this reaction, likely from the vaccines, means that I have a mast cell disorder and will have it for good; or is it more like an immune over-reaction that can be addressed and will pass?

I found a function med. dr. that thinks it's in part due to a leaky gut and dysbosis (I have 2 parasites, yeast and h. pylori in the gut) and thyroid disfunction. He thinks I can get back on track by addressing the above. I believe this theory, but wonder if I should pursue a mast cell disorder testing as well. As you know, it's hard to find a dr. for this .

This is all new to me. Prior to the vacinnes, I had no serious medical issues and was happy/healhly.

There are a number of H1 and H2 blockers you might test if you didn't do well with Claratin (I didn't either!). Sometimes the problem is due to dyes and fillers. At first I could only tolerate liquid Zyrtec, but now I can also use dye-free Benadryl as needed.

Obviously I'm not a doctor, so have no idea if you had an immune reaction or developed a mast cell disorder. If it is MCAS there is certainly hope. I've read that Dr. Castells who is a MCAS specialist believes that with proper treatment both Mastocytosis and MCAS can go into remission.

Your doctor sounds open-minded. Maybe you could get him interested in learning more about MCAS and ruling it out for you? I've read that Dr. Afrin will consult through e-mail with doctors who are testing and treating MCAS patients.

I'm attaching his paper on diagnosing and treating MCAS in case you haven't seen it. It's pretty dense, but everything is summarized in boxes at the end. Maybe you and your doctor would find it helpful?


  • Management of MCAS printable.pdf
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