
Senior Member
As smart Shelly (Seashel) stated elsewhere, we prob. do need a thread specifically directed at the vaccines we all have been given as children and adults that MAY have set the stage or even set-off our CFIDS.

As the WPI Story stated, Andrea Whittemore got very sick with CFIDS after getting her MMR vaccine to enter college. I too must wonder about the booster MMR that I was forced to have in Grad school at age 22/23 or not be allowed into class. For poor Andrea, she was sick with CFIDS five days after the MMR booster. I was sick with CFIDS 10 years later but had a number of odd symptoms, etc. leading up to that final virus (husband and I got, he recovered and I slept 22 hours a day). And here I am 16 years later sleeping like a very drugged person for 16 to 18 hours a day now.

So, what is your experience with the VACCINES that you were given as a child, teen, adult including ALL vaccines (DTP, MMR, Polio, seasonal Flu, etc).

SeaShel noted that this could be provided to WPI as informational background. I think she is correct. More info to hand to them if there is a strong enough pattern.

Thanks Seashel!!!!


Senior Member
I was forced by my college to get a polio shot. They claimed I was missing one on my records. I wasn't. But I couldn't prove it at that time. They literally blackmailed me into getting the shot. They said I would not be allowed back in college, not just their college, but any college anywhere if I didn't do it. I didn't want to do it, but ultimately caved in. I got the shot. And then, that entire year, my health went on a downhill spiral. I had continuous problems with earaches, stomach problems, irregular period problems, constant yeast infections. The list just goes on and on. My energy level dropped all the way down till I was really struggling at the end of the year. And finally, I caught something that gave me full blown CFIDS/ME and fully disabled me and destroyed my life. I really believe there is a vaccine connection. I always will.
I was forced by my college to get a polio shot. They claimed I was missing one on my records. I wasn't. But I couldn't prove it at that time. They literally blackmailed me into getting the shot. They said I would not be allowed back in college, not just their college, but any college anywhere if I didn't do it. I didn't want to do it, but ultimately caved in. I got the shot. And then, that entire year, my health went on a downhill spiral. I had continuous problems with earaches, stomach problems, irregular period problems, constant yeast infections. The list just goes on and on. My energy level dropped all the way down till I was really struggling at the end of the year. And finally, I caught something that gave me full blown CFIDS/ME and fully disabled me and destroyed my life. I really believe there is a vaccine connection. I always will.

carrigon, it makes me feel SO sick and sad to read many people have needlessly suffered?


Senior Member
MMR was required up to age 25 back in the mid 1980's

I too was forced to take the MMR booster or no school. Was going to have my father, a doctor, fake out the forms but my mother said it was best that I have the vaccine just in case I got pregnant and I needed the Rubella part to protect my unborn kid. I had no intentions of having kids then (and didn't) but I thought if there was even a 1% chance that I might change my mind and have a kid, then I should do this. Wish I had my father fill out the forms and not gotten that MMR shot. Probably a big mistake my immune system did not need.

Are they still making kids get that shot to stay in college?

Sorry Carrigon. Vaccines are wonderful things but they can also do amazing damage (and death).
I got to be the one to find my four month old niece having a seizure. Thought my heart stopped as I grabbed this tiny baby and ran to the phone and called 911. Such a little baby and having those damn seizures due to the Pertusis. After that, there were no more shots except the Polio and the most basics. NO MMR for her. She did get the MMR shot at age 7 which did NOT please me but her school was giving my sister such an ongoing hard time and my sister figured the kid would be OK now with MMR and not facing down autism. But what about the genes?


Senior Member
The whole thing is, NOT everyone will catch these diseases if they are not vaccinated. And the question is, how much do they really do and at what price. I met a guy on the disabled dating site who has been severely disabled since childhood from a vaccine. He is permanently paralyzed and cannot walk from it. Was it worth it in his case? NO. What if he didn't get the vaccine and never got the disease? How much better would his life have been?

I've had a form of autism since I was at least four years old. I almost died from the four in one shot when I was about three or four years old. Coincidence? I don't think so.

When I was about eleven, I also remember getting a polio shot, and I remember begging my mother not to let me have it because I knew I wasn't going to feel well from it. And sure enough, I had flu symptoms for two weeks from it.

When I was fourteen, I broke a bone in my foot and the doctor said he wouldn't treat me unless I did a bone scan. Back then used to use a really scary amount of radioactive stuff that is no longer allowed today. So, they injected my fourteen year body with this huge silver looking radioactive junk. And it was the biggest syringe I've ever seen. I was sick after the test and on the way home. My mother didn't even believe me that I felt sick from it. She was stupid like that when it came to anything with the doctors. One year later, I found out I was sterile, the radioactive stuff, killed my eggs. And it damaged my thyroid, that opened the door for Hashimoto's. I will forever wonder how much of my suffering is related to the radioactive junk.

In general, I think if doctors and dentists didn't mess with us, we'd all be a whole lot healthier.


Senior Member
I have had the Rubella vaccine at 13, also the oral polio vaccine at about 7

Completely well as a child and a normal range of childhood illnesses. Lots of physical activity.

ME started as an acute viral onset as a young adult.


Senior Member
Woodridge, IL
I got ME/CFS after a car accident and mono, but I did get substantially worse a yr later after getting a tetanus shot


Senior Member
The one thing I think most people (not the pediatricians) but the rest of us believe is that they are giving waaay too many vaccines to babies and small children and doing so in big bunches at once. Do these kids really need all the vaccines? Shouldn't these vaccines be broken down into one or two at a time over a far longer period of time instead of hitting the poor kid with three or more vaccines at once?
My sister had to bring in her husband, my husband and me (the witch) to fight with the pediatricians over my niece and those damn shots. They really fought us since they didn't want their numbers on kids to get hurt. They cared more about their high vaccine rates than the one or three kids that would suffer. So we fought them all, time and again and got the forms filled out and it was war every single time that kid went to the doctor.
My father was a surgeon who did not like doctors. He refused to go to a doctor even after having a heart attack. He said he knew what they knew and they knew NOTHING. Well, my father was right. I don't trust doctors and many of them are so damn stupid that if I, a very sick and brain damaged person, can figure out what they are saying is wrong and dangerous, then you know they know nothing and are so off track.
So not a fan of doctors. Wish I had my own prescription pad. Even jokingly told my internist to get me my own prescrition pad and I would leave him alone. He didn't laugh. He knew that deep down I wasn't kidding.


Senior Member
Right now, I believe all vaccines should be optional only, and any family that wants to back out of it should be able to do so. It's not natural to stick a needle in someone with who knows what's swimming in that thing besides live or dead viruses. And to do it to babies and small children who are still growing is criminal. The risks, IMO, far out weight possibly catching the disease. If they had made the Swine Flu vaccine mandatory, I was going to fight it. I don't like how they've been pushing it, and they admitted that it's only forty percent effective. And I heard that this Fall, they will be mixing it in as a three in one flu shot, even for people who already had Swine Flu. For some reason they just want to push that vaccine. Whoever heard of being told that even if you had the disease, you should still get the shot? Come on, that's suspicious.



Yes, yes, yes! I had to keep up shot records for years after living in Europe for five years in case we would go back..husband in the military. I started develoving more and more allergies in the 80's and nothing worked guessed it allergy injections for SEVEN YEARS. What did I now? I thought doctors knew what they were doing. I was a good patient and did everything I was told!

I was dx'd with FM in 87 but did fine with 2.5 Elavil or so I thought. I had the worst year of stress of my life in 97 ending with the flu shot. The last straw, in other words. I had not been getting flu shots but it was suppose to be a very bad flu so they said. Look at this year's scare but people are getting smarter about it. I did not get the shot or the flu. I have not had a shot since 97 and never will again. I take homeopathics for it, made for each years flu. Two weeks after the 97 shot I had the flu from hell and still had it a year later. The doctor then called it CFS, told me to see a shrink to handle it because I would never get well! I never went back to him. I started researchng and did travel to several CFS doctors and slowly made my way almost out of the hole. I was 80-90% well and living a normal life for 8 years and crashed again in a year ago April. I see Dr. Klimas July 12.


Senior Member
Allergy Shots Too?

Are allergy shots also something to be avoided? I had maybe 10 years of them, sometimes weekly, when I was a kid. I never thought they did anything for me, although my mom thinks they helped a little.

I am also glad that the last time I asked a doc (who happened to be an alternative MD) for a tetanus shot, he told me I didnt need them anymore!
My daughter had to get MMR, Hep B, and tetanus for school (medical profession). Then around the same time, she started with Guardasil vaccine. Her CFS symptoms too began with a sore throat (which she had not had one in 5 years after her tonsils were removed) and then flu-like feeling which never went away. She progressively got worse.

At Mayo Clinic, the spine specialist she saw stated that he had seen about 10 people who had the same type symptoms as her after the H1N1 vaccine (he was perplexed and stated that it didn't see how that could be a coincidence - of course "off the record").

Also, Gulf War syndrome has GIs receiving 16 shots around the same time. I think it could trigger something such as, if XMRV is in your genes, could contaminated vaccines (with particles from virusus) activate or combine?


Senior Member
I think that, too. Either the vaccines were contaminated or they were a trigger. I would love to see how all our health would have been with no vaccines at all.


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
Dr Mikovits has proposed that immune cell replication (especially T and B cells) can trigger disease in someone infected with XMRV, because it allows the XMRV virus to replicate. So, yes, in that scenario vaccines could trigger disease progression. But so could getting one of those "childhood diseases" or any other disease caused by a pathogen (although presumably some pathogens would be more likely to trigger XMRV). And because you mount a larger immune response to a disease like rubella, chickenpox, measles, etc, than you do to the vaccine, getting one of those diseases is likely to be a worse trigger for XMRV.

I'm not trying to tell anyone what they should do. I'm just saying that if getting vaccinated carries risks (particularly for the XMRV positive), then so does catching one of those diseases. If the risk of catching those diseases is low, that's because in this country most kids are vaccinated. That could change as more people elect not to have their kids vaccinated. For instance, we have a whooping cough epidemic in California right now.

Once we have an XMRV test so that we would be able to screen people for a probable reaction to vaccines, I wonder what the recommendation will be? Does anyone know what the recommendation is for immunocompromised people now? Like, for instance, for kids with HIV or cancer?


Senior Member
As I posted on another string, my grandmother got the measles while nursing my mother. When I was young and given the vaccine, I promptly GOT the measles. I also had a wicked case of the chicken pox, then hives, then mono when I was in high school (1985, suspicious year?). At that time I tested positive for EBV and Hepatitis B.

It apparently laid dormant until about 2002. Now I can add HHV-6 to that list - and possibly XMRV. My immune system is definitely out of whack and I wonder whether that measles vaccine triggered the problem?


Senior Member
We need Vaccines as they have saved millions of lives, but...

Without Polio there would be millions of more dead/disabled people now. Polio was horrendous and every summer they braced for the Polio and the deadly carrier flies to hit. My father was a kid/teen and to the day he died, was a fanatic about killing flies since he recalled all to vividly how damaged kids and some adults were who got polio. I knew several people who got polio and lived the rest of their lives in wheelchairs. My husband's Aunt had polio in her 20's but was taken care of by Sister Kenny in MPLS who used unconventional methods for that time- hot packs and exercise of affected limbs - to get people up and moving again and not stuck in braces or wheelchairs. Sister Kenny was not a Catholic Nun but a self-taught Australian nurse (
Polio is just one example of the true need for many of our vaccines. However, I think they are giving babies and children waaaay too many vaccines and way too many at once. I also have to wonder about the additives, etc. in those vaccines. And yes, I do think that MMR is part of the cause for some Autistic cases. Anyone ever meet someone with Autism pre-1970's? Why the insane surge in Asperger's and Autism in the last two decades? Vaccines.

Anyway, we do need vaccines but we don't need as many as they are pumping out. Look at our poor Gulf War Veterns who are now horribly sick (sicker in some cases than even our sickest CFIDS people). My best friend's son has GW and is so damaged in every aspect that I could take myself to the military/Army and pound on the people who made these stupid decisions to inject those young ones with everything under the sun without really understanding what they were doing to them.

And by the way, I was a Federal government contractor at the Pentagon during the Gulf War and around the guys coming/going back/forth to the Gulf and may well have picked up something from them. The company I worked at had at an unusually large number of people that had the same symptoms as I did. I bumped into several people and received an email with about 15 other names of people I did not know from the Nurse MBA giving us info on Dr. Cheney to get us to leave her alone since she didn't believe in CFIDS or GW (she sunk it to me but good). But that "cluster" at that company was never noted nor was any documentation kept. The nurse MBA wasn't going to do that as her job was to save the company money and NOT help the sick in any way.

Again, vaccines have saved millions of people (and their mobility) but I think we have gotten out of hand with all the vaccines they are now forcing on babies/children and young adults.


Thanks for starting the thread Muffin. I have attempted a few of them on this topic and they just didn't take off. Vaccines are definitely part of the picture with the emerging neuroimmune disease epidemic.....exactly how is yet to be determined.
For myself, the Hep B vaccine triggered my ME/CFS. My illness was not an infectious onset at fact I was on top of the world physically, emotionally, and spiritually, until I got my second jab in the series of 3 Hep B vaccines in 1993. Been sick since without any remissions.