Vaccine vs exposure


Senior Member
Do you know if TD vaccines for adult are ok?

They all have at least some risk.

This is an incredibly difficult decision for many of us. I'm so sorry that you're wrestling with it.

Although my story certainly does not represent the typical patient .... I had a severe reaction to the DPT (Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus) vaccine in about 2005. I wasn't feeling well but had to get the vaccine before I could travel to a wedding in Central America.

My physician told me that the vaccine should be fine. My low-grade fever and other symptoms shouldn't be an issue.

Within two days I came down with something called Brachial Plexus Neuritis -- a known adverse effect associated with the DPT vaccine. It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and it lasted for many months. It went untreated.

It isn't my intention to scare you or to shift your thinking in one direction or another. I just think it's important that people always remember that everything in medicine has risks.