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US Appeals, Ninth Circuit Appeals: CFS disability benefits decision (not important)


Senior Member
Bay Area, California

Thanks for posting this. It is very upsetting. It reminds me of what my LTD wrote about me when I was forced to apply for disability.

I don't understand the (not important) written at the top of the post. Did you write that or did they?


Senior Member
I don't understand the (not important) written at the top of the post. Did you write that or did they?

That was me.

I wanted to indicate that it was just one example, rather than an especially important decision that we should all be aware of.

At least the final decision was in favour of the PWC. Keep appealing!!


Senior Member
Yay for the PWC who won!

Reading this made me want to write a dissenting letter to the dissenting judge. That he actually felt the need to publish a dissent that would have upheld the denial of benefits to this disabled person, based on reasoning reflecting zero knowledge of the reality of diagnostic and treatment options available to ME/CFS patients by the traditional medical establishment, really irked me. I know it's not common knowledge to a healthy judge in a prestigious court, but that's probably why it irked me even more.