CC a copy to: and
Subject Line: Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Ampligen
Ampligen executives have written me personally for me to reach out to the ME/CFS community. They are asking for our written testimonies be emailed before DEC 6th to the FDA Advisory Committee! I have written my testimony but also uploaded a video, hoping that a picture is worth a thousand words. My Youtube video testimony is linked above for your viewing. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!! We have only the 4th and the 5th of December with the 6th being the latest.
Here is there sample letter:
Send To: Email address:
Subject line: Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Ampligen
To The Advisory Committee Reviewing Ampligen:
My name is _____________, I have had CFS for more than ___ years. Before I became ill I had a life that was__ your story here__. My life since having CFS has been __your story here_. After 3 decades, We Need treatment.. CFS/ME effects every moment of my life. We’ve seen and heard of patients responding to Ampligen. Give patients Hope by approving Ampligen. We want our lives back.
Thank you,
Full Name
Address Here
(Please Cc: emails to Robert Miller at: )
Best Regards,
Dean Maude
Hemispherx Biopharma
One Penn Center
1617 JFK Blvd.
Suite 660
Philadelphia, PA. 19103
Phone: 215-988-0080
Fax: 215-988-1739
AMEX ticker: HEB