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Upper abdomnial pain


I have me/cfs already since 3 years. Since 3 months my upper abdomnial is hurting a lot...now i am really scared of cancer...or had that somebody else?

Thanks a lot for your help


Northern USA
Northern USA
I am sorry for your pain and sickness. Do you have any lump you can feel? Or redness or swelling?

Does it hurt constantly, all of the time, or just some times of day?

Can You be checked by a doctor, for the pain?

Also, have you tried digestion aids, such as antacids or probiotics ?
And how are your foods? Healthy ones?

Does it hurt more after eating specific foods, or when hungry, before eating, .... or right after eating?
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Northern USA
Northern USA

You really should go to a doctor to be checked for the pain.

If you are out of breath, trouble breathing, or more pain, after exercise or exertion, or the pain starts while you are doing something, then could be heart-related. Or lungs.

If pain is worse with empty stomach, then could be ulcers.

Too many possibles, we cannot guess.

I hope you will see a doctor and find out.

Might just be muscles or me/cfs pain, but we cannot tell you if it is serious or not, and we don't know if it is easily treatable , like stomach ulcers hurt a lot and are treatable .