Updated Amino Acid/Vitamin Protocol


Senior Member
Every day or Almost Every Day

Vitamin C - 18 grams sodium ascorbate, 6 grams per meal (Im 210 lbs)
Lysine - 6 grams per day, 2 grams per meal. Combined with vitamin C, this is a
natural protease inhibitor.
Proline 6 grams per day, 2 grams per meal. Combined with vitamin C, this is a
natural protease inhibitor.
Glycine - 6 grams per day, 2 grams per meal. This is a natural protease inhibitor.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine - 1500mg
Co-Q10 200-600 mg per day
Vitamin E - 400iu natural vitamin e
Lugols Iodine (5%)- 2 drops, once per day, weekends off
Beta Carotene- 60,000iu with each meal (3 times a day)
Jarrow Methyl b12 sublingal under the tongue
Source Naturals Dibencozide (adenosybl b12) under the tongue

Once a week

SAM-e (from gnc)- 400mg 3 times a day (ive tried 3 brands and sam-e from gnc only one I felt good on)
Potassium- 99mg
Zinc gluconate (different day than edta suppository)
Edta suppository
Other B vitamins- methyl folate, b6, b-5, niacin, Sulbutiamine (thiamine)
Copper (different day than edta suppository)
Raw Thyroid- half tablet


6 pills of tindimax a week (3 a day for 2 days) its lyme med that may work on mycoplasma

.5mg LDN every 3 or 4 days after youve been on the main protocol for at least 3 months ( I can tolerate it more now :D )

Feel free to leave a comment or suggestion, Im almost always adding or taking away from the list.

Suggestion dont take selenium or melatonin, and especially not together. Possible auto immune reaction.


Senior Member
Thanks Charles...

Hey thanks for posting this Charles.

For those who haven't followed your protocol on the other thread (the antiretroviral trial?), could you explain when you started, how you decided on these amino acids, vitamins, and the amounts -- and what type of improvements or stabilization have you noticed?




Senior Member
Mostly by trial and error....I started getting desperate and trying different comboes of stuff. Retried large dose vitamin c and found I could tolerate lysine and other amino acids afterwards but not before.

Did some research on high vitamin c and aminos and found several websites talking about that particular combo, after that, I just tried to add everything else that had worked for me (like the lugols iodine).

So far Ive been improving, but I took potassium every day for a week and I had a bit of crash, so its only once a week for potassium. Before this crash, I had, I was able to do 25 pushups at a time, and noticing improved thinking, stability, and a slight amount of energy.


Senior Member
southeast US
Hi Charles555nc,

I've read it's not recommended to take lysine for more than thirty days at a time. You're probably already aware of this, and that the high dose might limit the time further.

South Dakota
Chronic Fatigue and Amino Acids - a trial done with before/after tests

Of the 20 subjects who completed the trial period, the post-trial interview regarding questionnaire symptoms showed 75% (15) experienced 50-100% improvement, 15% (3) had a 25-50% improvement, and 10% (2) had no improvement in symptoms. No other changes in treatment or lifestyle during the three-month period were offered by subjects which they felt may account for this improvement. Of the subjects exhibiting the greatest positive response, energy levels were reported to increase substantially within 2 weeks. Some cases improved dramatically within several days, including two subjects with a 15 year history of this disease process. The most commonly reported improvement was in mental function with greatly enhanced ability to concentrate and elimination of mental fatigue or "brain fog". After the trial, 90% of these subjects have continued to take the amino acid mixture (often at a reduced dosage) as they report a decrease in energy level and recurrence of other symptoms when the formulation is discontinued. See the details at:
Blessings to You!


Senior Member

The ones who couldnt tolerate the aminos seem alot me (before i started massive vitamin c)

The top two amino deficient were tryptophan and phenylalanine. There are lots of warnings about phenylalanine from what I can find but I might try getting some tryptophan. leucine was 3rd and seems interesting as well.

Great article.


Senior Member
Why the protease inhibitors? I am not sure what that means....could you explain very briefly, in laymans' terms, the purpose of inhibiting protease for ME/CFS? Thanks.


Senior Member
Basically when viruses/bacteria want to get inside your cells/cause infection, then they use protease to cut their way in. The protease inhibitors act as bullet sponges because they are the same material as the target, blocking infection.