Unrest Kickstarter has gone live - share, donate (even the smallest amount!)


Senior Member
Devon UK
I have been reading some of the comments on another thread suggesting that the film is not particularly suitable as an educational tool because, while it shows the devastating effects of severe ME, it doesn't make it very clear whether it is a physical or mental illness or give any insight into biomedical research - I may be misquoting.

I wonder whether, if the film is to be shown to doctors and politicians, it needs to be coupled with one or more of the talks from the IiME conference, say David Tuller on PACE and Ron Davis on biomedical research, or from the OMF meeting on Saturday which will be available on You Tube or DVD also.

We need a clear educational message, not just a moving experience, valuable thought that might be. Perhaps excerpts from the film along with educational talks would be more productive.

This is from third day of our social impact campaign overview Unrest fb page
Educational guides along with film screening

Due to lack of awareness about ME, many patients are undiagnosed, misdiagnosed with other conditions, or told that their severe disabilities are imagined. Our third campaign goal aims to address this by using the film, screenings and educational guides to promote a culture of knowledgeable and empathetic care for ME within the medical community. We hope to achieve this by aligning with medical professionals to bring Unrest screenings to medical conferences, medical schools, and other screening opportunities through which we can engage with students, doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners. Through these events, we intend to foster dialogue so that the global medical community gains a deeper understanding of ME.


Senior Member
Thanks, @Jan.

I'm sure the plan is excellent, and I commend the effort. I haven't seen the film myself, so may have got it wrong.

My concern was that, imagining being lucky enough to get a couple of hours allocated in a medical conference schedule, or medical training course, if that time were filled with a moving film about the devastating impact on the lives of a few very sick people, while the audience maybe moved, they may not necessarily learn much about how to diagnose and treat ME patients.

I was just speculating whether limited time might be better divided between the emotional and educational parts of the message.

This does not mean I don't support the film and the campaign. I have donated.


Senior Member
That's incredible! I could've sworn I checked yesterday where it was on 75% funding.

The Unrest team is starting to reveal some exciting pluses at various pledge levels too. I think the first one is 10 signed CD copies of the Unrest score at the $75 pledge level. The soundtrack/score was composed by Bear McCreary. This is his first score for a documentary, but he's behind the music for Battlestar Galactica, Outlander, The Walking Dead, and 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Hopefully these additions will get even more people excited about pledging.


Senior Member
yes it seems to have gone up a lot in the last 2 or 3 days I guess it must be because the publicity has been ramping up with the interviews Jen Brea has been doing around the world
hopefully this means it is bringing some pledges from people in from outside the ME community as well


Senior Member
Six days to go and the Unrest Kickstarter made full funding ($100,000) with loads of time to spare, and is still pulling in a decent number of pledges.

It's close to ticking over the $123,000 mark! Go Jen Brea and team!!! :star:



Senior Member
New Zealand
So... I thought long and hard about donating.
I supported the initial campaign to make the film, and part of me has been disappointed in a) the wait for a reward, and b) the mixed feedback. I also have issues with being asked for more money, and then more money.... I would like at some point for the donations to be enough without a caveat being added on about what more money could do... especially when donating means spending savings that I am living on, as I am sure it does for a lot of people who have donated.

But, I've just donated again. In the end, for me, I like the ambition of the team and the film's reach is far exceeding any expectations I had. If it appeals to mainstream audiences, then that is fantastic - far better than if it meets the expectations of those of us with ME, who are well versed in the issues and the research etc.

If it makes just one person I come into contact with more understanding then it is worth it.


Senior Member
It is on $147k with 24 hours to go so hopefully will reach $150k

I agree @daisybell the fact that it is aimed at the mainstream audience and seems to have great potential to shift wider perceptions of ME. It looks almost certain to be shown at my city's independent cinema which is great I'm going to invite friends and family to come with me and really hope it will help them have a better understanding.


Senior Member