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Unpublished XMRV studies and Future XMRV studies


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I thought it might be helpful to make a separate list of these...
If anyone has any extra info, then please post on this thread.

XMRV in CFS Patients unpublished positive studies abstracts & reports

Detection of infectious XMRV in the peripheral blood of children
M A Pfost et al.
Looking for XMRV in families and testing: adults with ME, FM, Lymme disease; Parents of children with neuroimmune disease; children with ASD; children with Niemann-Pick; and healthy children with sibling who have neuroimmune disease. Positive results obtained.

Detection of infectious XMRV in the peripheral blood of chronic fatigue syndrome patients in the United Kingdom.
Mikovits et al.
Initial results reported to be about 80% positive for XMRV in UK ME patients, and 6-8% positive in the UK blood supply.

XMRV detection in a national practice specializing in CFS
P Cheney
Using the VIPdx lab, 74.5% of consecutive ME patients, who went to the Cheney Clinic, tested positive for XMRV.

Detection of MLV-like gag sequences in blood samples from a New York state CFS cohort
Maureen R Hanson, Li L Lee, Lin Lin, David E Bell, David Ruppert and David S Bell
Initial reported results = 80% of 10 patients currently meeting Fukuda criteria tested positive for MLV-related sequences, and 1% of healthy controls. (Reportedly finding PMRV rather than XMRV)
An extract from:
Of Mice and Men: A Summary of the First International XMRV Workshop.
by K. Kimberly McCleary with Steven H. Kleinman, BSc, MD, and Suzanne D. Vernon, PhD.
Dr. Hansons study tested samples obtained by David S. Bell from 20 CFS patients, 10 of whom reported having recovered but still demonstrated lower physical activity levels than the 10 healthy control subjects as measured by seven instruments employed by Dr. Bell. Of these 20 CFS patients, 11 (55%) were positive; 8 (80%) of the 10 patients currently meeting Fukuda criteria and 3 (30%) of the individuals who had recovered tested positive, compared to 1 (10%) of the 10 healthy controls. The gag sequences found by Dr. Hanson were more similar to those reported by Lo et al., than to the gag sequences for XMRV, although all are part of the same gammaretrovirus family. Her group is working to sequence the env sequence and the entire virus genome(s) now that they have external funding support from NIH.


Kenny De Meirlier
Blinded study, using the VIPdx to test for XMRV
Initial reported results = XMRV detected in 57% of 84 CFS patients, and in 14% of 50 healthy donors.
http://www.investinme.org/IiME Conf...onal ME Conference 2011 Conference Report.htm

Wilfried Bieger (Germany)
Reported positive study, to be published sometime in 2011.
Detecting XMRV in 20% to 40% of 110 CFS patient samples.
http://www.investinme.org/IiME Conf...onal ME Conference 2011 Conference Report.htm

XMRV in CFS Patients - Future studies

The Norwegian study of CFS, NO-CFS, Stage 1: Confirmatory study for the detection on Gamma-retrovirus related Gene Sequences.

Blood Working Group
link to info needed

Ian Lipkin
link to info needed

Dr. Frank Maldarelli
NIH - National Cancer Institute
The study will take blood samples from 60 people, divided equally between people who previously tested XMRV-positive and healthy individuals.
The data will be used to help formulate a gold standard for determining positive and negative results.

XMRV in Prostate Cancer - unpublished positive studies - abstracts & reports

A Preliminary Screening Of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus In Japanese Prostate Cancer Patients
Tsukasa Igawa, Yoshinao Kubo, Katsura Kakoki, Naoki Yamamoto, Hideki Sakai
April 2011
The Journal of Urology (Abstract presented at the American Urological Association meeting)
(MLV sequences were detected in four out of sixty one patients (6.7%))

Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus Related Virus (Xmrv) Is Present In Malignant Prostate Tissue But Does Not Affect Pathological Or Clinical Outcome
Chad Ritch, Ruslan Korets, Mireia Castillo-Martin, Josep Domingo-Domenech, Mitchell Benson, Carlos Cordon-Cardo
April 2011
The Journal of Urology (Abstract presented at the American Urological Association meeting)
Immunofluorescence: XMRV detected in 33/65 (51%) of malignant samples, and in only 5/42 benign samples (12%).
PCR: XMRV detected 14/65 (21%) of prostate cancer samples, and 2/42 (5%) in benign tissue
Combined PCR and IF: XMRV was detected in at least 17% of malignant samples and rarely found in benign tissue.

XMRV in other diseases - unpublished positive studies - abstracts, reports & patent applications

Compositions And Methods Relating To Xmrv-Related Diseases And Conditions
Singh, Ila Ramnaresh; (US). Thaker, Harshwardhan Manohar; (US). Schlaberg, Robert; (US). Shin, Clifford; (US)
The University Of Utah Research Foundation
(XMRV in breast cancer)
XMRV proviral DNA sequences or XMRV proteins were detected in approximately 25% of 178 breast cancer samples.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Thanks for the feedback everyone. :thumbsup:

I've added two unpublished XMRV positive prostate cancer studies.

And details of Dr Singh's breast cancer patent.


myrtle beach, s.c.
I don't understand why, with all these positive studies, that the public doesn't have any idea what's going on. There is a breakdown somewhere in communication. I don't believe all our associations are pulling their weight in this regard.


Senior Member

i entirely agree. that is one of the most frustrating things abt this disease and it has not changed since xmrv entered the frame. everything is a big mystery...some ppl are in the know others are not. it's like a haunted treasure hunt trying to find details of treatments, dr's, insurance coverage and now real information abt what is going on with the research. it really pisses me off....why is everything such a big secret....does it make ppl feel powerful?!?!? (sorry just a little rant)

hope u r doing well JB.

and huge thank you to Bob for putting this list together....a great service and gift to our community : )


Detection of infectious XMRV in the peripheral blood of chronic fatigue syndrome patients in the United Kingdom.
Mikovits et al.
Initial results reported to be about 80% positive for XMRV in UK ME patients, and 6-8% positive in the UK blood supply.
Any idea why this was never published? Seems a large and important study to me. Even if the major virology journals were rejecting WPI out of hand, I don't really understand why it wasn't published in an open acces journal like PLoS One or a BMC central journal it's much less likely to be kept out be a clique.
Any idea why this was never published? Seems a large and important study to me. Even if the major virology journals were rejecting WPI out of hand, I don't really understand why it wasn't published in an open acces journal like PLoS One or a BMC central journal it's much less likely to be kept out be a clique.

Link seems not to work, this may be better http://regist2.virology-education.com/abstractbook/2010_8.pdf - and scroll to abstract 13. The text makes no mention of the 50 controls reported on the cfids page.



Senior Member
Thanks for the compilation Bob! XMRV is not dead, it is buried! (Well, and messing with my body!) :)



Senior Member
England (south coast)
Detection of infectious XMRV in the peripheral blood of chronic fatigue syndrome patients in the United Kingdom.
Mikovits et al.
Initial results reported to be about 80% positive for XMRV in UK ME patients, and 6-8% positive in the UK blood supply.

Any idea why this was never published? Seems a large and important study to me. Even if the major virology journals were rejecting WPI out of hand, I don't really understand why it wasn't published in an open acces journal like PLoS One or a BMC central journal it's much less likely to be kept out be a clique.

I believe that it's an ongoing project, and that these were only preliminary results, and it is still intended to be published in the future.


Senior Member
East Coast USA
Excellent list! Thank you, Bob.

Might you consider sending it to Dr. Eun-Chung Park
non-HIV retroviruses XMRV Program Officer at NIH
here in the US? eun-chung.park@nih.gov

It would show him the kind of information we're
interested in and perhaps he'd have items to add.