Unfolded Protein Response and A Possible Treatment for CFS


Senior Member
The bitters work to help your gallbladder/liver function better to release bile, while ox bile is just a temporary replacement.

It's my understanding that the 'moonshine' formula has more 'warming' bitter herbs (like fennel, gentian and orange peel) in it, compared to the more 'cooling' Swedish' bitters.

good explanation - thanks! do you know anything about betaine/pepsin?


Senior Member
good explanation - thanks! do you know anything about betaine/pepsin?

Well, that's another novel. But was taking high doses at one time -- up to NINE capsules before I'd get any warmth or acid feeling in the stomach -- but have cut way back as betaine HCL is basically trimethylglycine with a chloride attached, and so it can affect methylation. RichVank has several posts on the topic, or you can google for more info. I'm taking 3 now (w/pepsin) with my main meals, and one w/breakfast which is currently lower in protein.


Senior Member
Well, that's another novel. But was taking high doses at one time -- up to NINE capsules before I'd get any warmth or acid feeling in the stomach -- but have cut way back as betaine HCL is basically trimethylglycine with a chloride attached, and so it can affect methylation. RichVank has several posts on the topic, or you can google for more info. I'm taking 3 now (w/pepsin) with my main meals, and one w/breakfast which is currently lower in protein.

so, you take the betaine/pepsin AND the urban moonshine?


Senior Member

Can you provide us with more details regarding how was your Stool color before bile acids? Was it light colored?

Have you checked yourself for Cholestasis?

I haven't checked for cholestasis, but assume I have at least a minor form of it, thanks yes, to the previously very pale colored stools, some itchiness at times, the fact that I ate very low fat/higher carb for waaaaay too many years (causing sluggish GB and liver issues), and also the fact that SAM-e tended to help when I took it.


Senior Member
Sometimes i only wish that Bile Acid metabolism would not be that difficult to grasp. We need an expert on this.

It seems that there are the following possibilites when it comes to Bile Acid Metabolism :

1) Not enough being produced
2) Enough being produced but Intermittent Cholestasis due to impaired Enterohepatic circulation
3) Enough Bile Acids being produced but primary Bile Acids are not being converted to secondary (=Non-Toxic) Bile Acids.

In case you fall on categories (2) or (3), taking Bitters will actually make things worse since bitters stimulate Bile flow.


Senior Member
@ebethc ox bile might sound gross, but it's a tiny capsule, with no taste. I've switched to the Jarrow Bile Factors, seems even better for me. And I take HCL/pepsin w/ each meal. As we age, it's often needed. I've gone to Doctor's Best, which includes Gentian bitters. I'd used Nature's Sunshine for years, body now likes this one.

If you take ox bile, doesn't your body stop producing it's own bile?

thanks, @ahmo


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
If you take ox bile, doesn't your body stop producing it's own bile?

thanks, @ahmo
I think likely not, because Natasha Campbell-McBride, developer of GAPS diet, recommends it for ongoing use. Suggests taking enzymes at beginning of meal, bile at end.
Well it appears that Dr Lynch might be looking at this thread ;-)

Look at 27:14 !

Mario (and others), thanks for all your hard work to compile such compelling info regarding CFS and issues post poison. I've been dealing with a lot of chronic health issues since finishing Accutane in January of 2010 and a lot of what I read throughout this lengthy thread resonates with me. I have tried and try a lot of things to fix some of my major issues and I am really interested in your protocol after a fellow sufferer lead me to your research and topic.

I was trying to contact you directly since I don't want to sabotage the thread with personal questions; is there a way to send a personal message to you or vice versa? I'd love to pick your brain on a couple things. I have plenty of health testing results and some of my own thoughts to contribute over time. Thanks man. Stay strong everyone!


Senior Member
@dannybex , are you still having good results with the Urban Moonshine bitters?

And do you mind if I ask in this thread what Dr. Rostenberg's recommendations were that stopped your muscle wasting? Have you started to be able to build muscle, too? Thanks


Senior Member
If you take ox bile, doesn't your body stop producing it's own bile?


Notwithstanding Natasha Campbell-McBride's recommendation for its ongoing use, does anyone have a more definitive answer to this?

And do you mind if I ask in this thread what Dr. Rostenberg's recommendations were that stopped your muscle wasting? Have you started to be able to build muscle, too? Thanks

I'm interested in the answers to these too.