Unexplained recovery from lactose intolerance?

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
A glass of diet Coke makes me feel much more human
That is interesting, I was a diet coke fiend until my kidneys decided enough and I am trying to avoid diet coke because my next step is dialysis. I am always thirsty! I'm drinking water and a little tea. Trying to switch to local honey for my sweetener.

My Gut does not like sugar. Stevia seems to be ok.
glass of diet Coke makes me feel much more human, but other drinks (including standard Coke) don't have the same effect. The sweetener in diet drinks contains a source of phenylalanine, and I wonder whether 'supplementing' in this way helps with ME symptoms

Interesting. I wonder if different diet drinks would affect you differently. Sorry, I find this really fascinating!

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Thank goodness so far I haven't had any bad reactions to any foods at all (except Jerusalem artichokes which I like very much, but which HATE my belly with a vengeance.)

I love Jerusalem artichokes, too, but they make DH and me very, ahem, "gassy". That lasts just the night we have them, and we are back to normal the next day. JA have prebiotics, so they really can affect the gut. They are supposed to be beneficial if you can tolerate them.


Senior Member
I love Jerusalem artichokes, too, but they make DH and me very, ahem, "gassy". That lasts just the night we have them, and we are back to normal the next day. JA have prebiotics, so they really can affect the gut. They are supposed to be beneficial if you can tolerate them.

Yes, they're full of inulin. I tried it as a supplement (it was made from Jerusalem artichokes – which, apparently are neither artichokes nor from Jerusalem), and it gave me hideous IBS. I can't tolerate even a small amount, which is a shame; I'm sure it'd be beneficial for my 'good' gut bugs!


Senior Member
Same thing happened to me. I developed lactose intolerance after suddenly becoming ill (at age 31). After I figured out what was causing my diarrhea and foul gas, I used handfuls of lactase to tolerate dairy for a few years, then gradually lost my lactose intolerance.