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Unexpectedly Homeless in Two Weeks Because of Medical Bills

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Hello. I was supposed to be staying at my daughter's house for a few weeks because I expected my husband and I to both have jobs when we got here. It has actually been several months now. Her landlord discovered we are here. She is going to live with her boyfriend's parents and we don't know what to do. We don't have a home. We are going to be staying at a campground temporarily.

I was told before I moved here that all my medical bills were paid off. It turns out the creditors lied to us so that we wouldn't claim bankruptcy. Now we have several more medical bills on our credit and we can't get an apartment because of them. We don't have enough to claim bankruptcy. We have tried 5 places now and we no longer can afford the money to apply.

I can't get a job right now because of heart problems. My husband has a job and he could afford the rent alone. However, no one will take us. If we go to a homeless shelter we will have to give up our cats. One of my cats is 13 years old and no one will take her which means she will probably be euthanized.

I set up a go fund me page through my daughter's facebook. I'm not sure how to get ahold of the moderators here to ask if it is okay to set up a link here. If it is, will you respond to this post and let me know.

Thanks for your help.


senior member
Concord, NH
Wow, sorry to hear about this. Not sure if it is allowed or not, the Go Fund me, but if it is not, I think the Mods will just remove it, doubt it would cause any harm. @Kina @Sushi are Moderators, perhaps one of them will chime in soon.

So the landlord has kicked you out? Since your daughter is not there, would seem that it wouldn't be as big a deal. Take it she has a lease and this is not acceptable?



senior member
Concord, NH
Sound like you used a Credit Repair agency. They seem so shady, and most of that can be taken care of by yourself, although I understand the energy, and it just seems like such a major hurdle.

Read recently that if things go to a collection agency, that they will take 10% of what you owed. So that is what I am going to try to do, I have not had an income for coming up to 3 years now!



Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Have you looked into renting room(s) in a house with someone? You might find some kind soul willing to take you, your husband and your cats.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Have you looked into renting room(s) in a house with someone? You might find some kind soul willing to take you, your husband and your cats.

Yes, we've looked into everything. Everybody we know is on a lease and can't take us. My husband's brother is fixing up his home to sell and it is all torn apart, but he might let us stay in a tent in the backyard. So at least we will have some electricity. That's good.

Anyway, hopefully we will be able to save enough money in the next month or two. I am going to check out credit repair companies, but it is still going to take some time.
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senior member
Concord, NH
Anyway, hopefully we will be able to save enough money in the next month or two. I am going to check out credit repair companies, but it is still going to take some time.

My bankruptcy lawyer told me to get a Secured Credit Card, good way to rebuild credit. Was working on that, and lost my job, so will have to take that up when I get some Constant income, hopefully in the near future!

I would imagine companies charge Hundreds or Thousands of dollars, would think you could find better things to spend that on ;)



Senior Member
Am confused, are you able to post the Go Fund Me link or we still don't know?

Also, can you temporarily stay in a hotel or do they not allow cats?

Also sometimes if you have bad credit but your husband can prove he has a job and enough income, they will let you have the apt if you have a co-signer on the lease. Maybe your father or sister would co-sign even though they will not actually lend you money? Sorry if this is not an option (I don't know the whole story)!


Patient in training
So sorry to hear, @Mya Symons it doesn't sound good :-( I hope things will get better for you and your husband very soon.


Senior Member
Sorry you are going through this!!You are in my prayers ! Just put it on my Twitter page but yes probably needs own thread here


Senior Member
@Mya Symons - Can you offer to pay the last month up front, in addition to first month + deposit? This gives them time to evict non-payers without losing a month's rent, and is a fairly common alternative when there are credit problems.

My other suggestion is to post in "housing wanted" section on Craigslist for the Federal Way area. Sublets & temporary housing available on Craigslist can also be a good place to look for non-professional landlords, who might be happier to take an extra deposit and usually don't run credit checks anyhow.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
So you know when they say things come in 3's? My computer just shorted out on me and I'm working with my phone now. It's a little bit difficult because of arthritis. So I will have to check back in here later.

Thank you again for all your well wishes and help. I really appreciate it.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Yes, we've looked into everything. Everybody we know is on a lease and can't take us. My husband's brother is fixing up his home to sell and it is all torn apart, but he might let us stay in a tent in the backyard. So at least we will have some electricity. That's good.

I tried to ask my father for help, but I have a sister who put an end to that. Even though she is completely healthy she asks for money all the time and gets it. Go figure.

Anyway, hopefully we will be able to save enough money in the next month or two. I am going to check out credit repair companies, but it is still going to take some time.

I didn't mean move in with friends or family. Many people rent rooms in their house. My sister and her husband rent out a studio in their house (a room with separate bath and small kitchen and private entrance) and they don't do credit checks. I think private homeowners are less likely to do a credit check than apartment management companies, and since a large part of your problem appears to be an inability to get an apartment due to credit problems because of outstanding medical bills, this might work for you. Or did I misunderstand the situation? And some private homeowners are willing to take cats.