Unbearable pain think meds need increased whats common doses?


Senior Member
hope someone can help...i am in extreme pain..and i think i need to increase medications mgs...i usually get started on lower cause of stomcah upset and side effects and build up..its been awhile since any change..and i want and need some relief from this constant pain..

im on vicodine 7.5.750
and morphine 10 mg tabs

on other medications but those are ones for pain...ive treid to look on web but cant really find anything...ive treid hot bath...heating pads..muscle rubs..tried keeping my mind off looking up stuff on internet that has nothing to do with being ill such as stuff for family etc...but im hurting so badly...i cant take this..i know alot feel like this and im being whiney but i cant help it...going to talk to doctor when i see them again next month...was just wondering if anyone knew common doses for medicaitons im on...someone had mentioned percocet working for them on this or another board i dont remember but when i asked doctor about switching she said she iddnt like to prescrip percocet....


Senior Member
Can you describe where the pain is Hurting please and what brings it on?

I've been using Lyrica for neuopathic pain but only in small quantities due to the side effects. For muscle pain I found magnesium injections helpful.


Senior Member
Hurtingallthetime, Do you have fibromyalgia, or is it pain from CFS? I wish I had an idea for you about the dosages. Thinking of you.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
hope someone can help...i am in extreme pain..and i think i need to increase medications mgs...i usually get started on lower cause of stomcah upset and side effects and build up..its been awhile since any change..and i want and need some relief from this constant pain..
im on vicodine 7.5.750
and morphine 10 mg tabs

I could put you in touch with someone with a similar pain history and medication. They also raised doses and eventually had to come off them. Let me know if you want this contact.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
How about trying a TENS machine? (I dont know how they work for ME/CFS stuff but they are commonly used for pain).

Another option would be hypnotherapy.

Also it may be helpful if you share exactly what kind of pain you are having issues with.


Senior Member
thanks for the info and advice replies...

ocean i have fibro/cfs...i dont know which or if both causes the pain...i know im exhuasted figured that from the cfs..and pain from fibro...ive been diagnaosed with rsd by a doctor in begining but when brought up to doctor i see now said pretty much same as fibro...have alot going on like most...the pain medications take edge off sometimes..but when i have to go get shopping done and kids or hubby cant go its hard to lift that stuff etc. it makes me crash later..and the whole time im hurting but cant do anyting about it cause i cant take medications and drive...

ukxmrv i hurt all over...worse in back neck, shoulders, migranes, all over feels like screws in bones...ribs chest area very sore...soemtimes i have to go get grocersy and freak out becuase of anxeity crowd traffic etc. so i load buggy to barely can push so i dont have to go soon which i always over do it and im trying to work on that...kids and hubby do help alot thoguh..ive tried lyrica and it made me swell more and hurt more and sick to stomach...

sushi if you know someone that may be able to help that would be wonderful thank you for offering...

tanniaust1 i have a tens unit im grateful to have it but it doesnt seem to help awhole lot...sometimes a little sometimes none...the pain is deep as i said like screws in bones..burning..throbbing....like most the weather can maek it worse, etc....i aslo have alot of back problems which doesnt help...siatica nerve damage and bulging disc..ive had several hwat that called small surgerys put me to sleep and did some kind of injections and stuff...im afrad to have big back surgery and i dotn have the money anyways...

valentijn ive not tried what you mentioned...is it a medicaton or an injection??

thanks again i appreicate the replies and help


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
thanks for the info and advice replies...

...sushi if you know someone that may be able to help that would be wonderful thank you for offering...

thanks again i appreicate the replies and help

Hey Hurting,

Contact me on chat...I think that is the easiest way.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Dear, Dear Hurt, I feel your pain. Do you live in the northeast? The weather changes have struck me to my core and vicodin helps but not always. Which scares me. Maybe I can help about the migraines. I've had them since 11yrs with aura, at menopause I hoped for their disappearance. No such luck. Now I get Botox shots by nuerologist once a year and they are GONE. If anyones feels that putting poison in my body is stupid remember this. Migraines can do permanent brain damage, my MRI's can attest to this, ichemic damage. Also eliminating migraines is important in coping with this disease. Migraines affect speech, smells, mood etc. If used for migraines botox is cover by medicare.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
might be best to try and find another med that helps then to keep raising the dose of the ones that arent working. U may find that if u need to return to the old meds that a break from it will help them to work once again.
I find tramadol a good drug for pain relief, anti-inflammatory meds i dont think are good for us long term, too many dangerous side effects, but good to take intermittently.



Senior Member

I'm sorry you're dealing with that. My understanding is that pain from fibro, or RSD, is really bad. Do you ever go on forums that are more geared to fibro sufferers? I know a lot of people have pain with CFS but I don't think it's really like fibro pain. Some people here have both conditions but for pain issues maybe a fibro forum would be able to be more helpful? I hope you will find something that helps. I really feel for you. Having to live with severe pain is awful.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Can you describe where the pain is Hurting please and what brings it on?

I've been using Lyrica for neuopathic pain but only in small quantities due to the side effects. For muscle pain I found magnesium injections helpful.

Lyrica is a good idea, also neurontin which is a similar class of drugs can also help alot with pain and improve sleep too


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
hope someone can help...i am in extreme pain..and i think i need to increase medications mgs...i usually get started on lower cause of stomcah upset and side effects and build up..its been awhile since any change..and i want and need some relief from this constant pain..

im on vicodine 7.5.750
and morphine 10 mg tabs

on other medications but those are ones for pain...ive treid to look on web but cant really find anything...ive treid hot bath...heating pads..muscle rubs..tried keeping my mind off looking up stuff on internet that has nothing to do with being ill such as stuff for family etc...but im hurting so badly...i cant take this..i know alot feel like this and im being whiney but i cant help it...going to talk to doctor when i see them again next month...was just wondering if anyone knew common doses for medicaitons im on...someone had mentioned percocet working for them on this or another board i dont remember but when i asked doctor about switching she said she iddnt like to prescrip percocet....

Not sure how much of the vicodin you are taking, but 750mg of acetominophen per tablet is really high. After next year there will ne nothing over 325mg pill of acetominophen sold in the US. 4 or 5 of those a day could be putting your liver in severe stress. Just something that popped out at me when I saw your thread.


Senior Member
valentijn ive not tried what you mentioned...is it a medicaton or an injection??

HydroxyB12 is a form of B12 that you can probably order online. It's a vitamin that can be bought without a prescription. It seems to help some people with ME/CFS pain, maybe due to acting as an antioxidant. The form I use is sublingual, so I just stick it under my tongue while it slowly dissolves.


Senior Member
thanks for replies...wow august i had not heard that about the vicodin doses..why would they do that? so many are on it to help with pain..


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
thanks sushi but i dont know how to use the chat thing..is it same as private message?

No, chat is altogether different. It allows you to "talk" back and forth with a member in real time. Go to the bottom right hand corner of the page and if you don't see something like "109 people here." click on whatever icon you do see and sign into chat. Then you will see a list of those signed into chat by clicking on "xx people here." Find the name of the person you want to chat with and click on chat. That person will receive a pop-up message on their screen and you can begin to chat when they accept it.

Right now you are not signed into chat or I'd open a chat to show you how it works.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Based on some of your other posts, I wonder if you would benefit from some pacing and activity adjustment to help some of the pain. While many of us have a great deal of difficult-to-resolve pain, we can make it even worse by overdoing.

You are taking some very high doses of some very powerful painkillers. You might want to avoid increasing those doses if you can find some nonpharmaceutical ways to reduce some of the pain. The first to try might be pacing, another is one of the Epsom salt plus baths. There are some supplements that might fix deficiencies that could be contributing to your pain. I've heard of magnesium and B12 as being helpful. Getting better sleep can sometimes help, too.

Also, have you tried some of the pharmaceuticals often suggested by our specialists for fibromyalgia and ME/CFS? Lyrica has shown some good results with fibro pain. Cymbalta can help take the edge of some ME/CFS pain.

I'm sorry you're in such pain. I know none of these interventions will make that pain go away, but if some of them can help with a part of the pain, you may not need to take as much (or, as you are suggesting, even more) of the powerful and potentially unsafe painkillers.


Senior Member
thanks sushi i will try to figure out the chat thing..would be nice to "talk" to people on here..

SOC thanks for advice ive done epsom salts and i like them they are relaxing in bath...im trying pacing...i dont do a whole lot get grocerys/shopping...ive vented before angry at myself because of anxietys i will literally load the buggy full to barely push...hurting the whole time knowing next day or so will crash...and on top of that i run around as fast as i can to get in and out and to not have to go back anytime soon...its something im working on but anxiety has alot to do with the filling of buggy and racing around like crazy...take kids places sometiems...doctors dentist appointments...occosianl yard sale..

i have family kids so need to do those thngs at times....it seems to get harder and harder as time goes on..it was hard 6 mothns or a year ago...hard in the beginning but at the worse point so far.....thoguh hubby and kids do help alot....they take care of pets...help with laundrys..everything....ive nto vacumed in forever..the vaccum is old and heavy and hate to admitt it hubby would kill me but whne i did bring it downstairs id let it walk the stairs...not pick up just plop down each stairs thankfully it didnt break it..last time i did that was when i was crazy enoguh because i got overwhelmed by extremly pushy kirby saler..he wouldnt shut up...i paniced let him in...he actually either put out his hand to stop me closing or did...i dotn recall i get nervous and start to agree with anyone like that...i have alot of socail problems...but starting to talk about how much the kids did reminded me of the aggressive saler...and i felt horrible becuase not long ago there were warning around town that people posing as vaccum salers pushing way into homes...like the tatics he used on me...and that they would rob people...i felt so bad i put myself and my child that was here at risk...i usually just dont answer door but was expecting something in mail...its sad my world is so small thats the most interesting stupid thing that happended forerver ago...

but yes back to what started my rant...i am trying to pace myself...its hard when my kids or hubby cant come and help...but iknow its alot harder for others...i see really really old people who can barely move bent over pushing buggys full of food like me...having to load on belt and in car etc....and i know it must be harder on them...but i think pacing is a good idea...if my anxeity lets me i will keep trying to improve on it...