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UK: Two appointments available to see Dr Weir on Sunday, May 19th due to postponements following Covid infection. Contact me, if you want to see him.


Senior Member


Two appointments are available to see Dr Weir in East Devon because of postponements due to Covid infection.

On account of the patients, unfortunately, having Covid and therefore having to postpone their appointments , Dr Weir has two appointments free for Sunday 19th. May.

The first appointment is at 10.30 am, and the second is at noon.

His usual fee is reduced by nearly 50% if you see him in my home in East Devon because I prepare and organise the clinic voluntarily, and also provide the accommodation so as many patients as possible can have access to a knowledgeable, supportive, and kind consultant.

If you would like to see him, please email me asap.

The email address is currently: mkjennywilson@outlook.com

We also have a new address that will replace the current one soon so please email both in the address bar. The new one is soon to be drweirclinic@gmail.com.

If you would like one of the appointments, please send me your full name, address, birth date, phone number, GP's name, address, and phone number, and an outline of your medical history.

I need to fill these appointments quickly as I will have to redo the medical files and contact details and forward them to Dr Weir.

Thank you!




Senior Member
Hello there. I did see Dr. Weir at your home a few years ago. Can't remember how many. Does he have any new strategies these days?

Hello @ruben

Yes, he has been trying new things and hopes to write a paper on one of them as soon as he is able.

There are different subsets so he uses different treatments according to which subset the patient belongs.

One patient who has been ill for seven years, for example, who came to the last clinic experienced a remarkable improvement within just days from a regime he used for her. Five weeks later, she is still much improved and is enjoying life, although still experiences PESE if she exceeds her anaerobic threshold too much. It was very encouraging to witness her newfound joy in life.