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UK Scientists blocked from speaking out


Senior Member
"researchers who receive government grants will be banned, as of 1 May, from using the results of their work to lobby for changes in laws or regulations"

I'm worried this will mean it will not be possible for UK scientists to disprove PACE and use that as evidence that CBT should not used to treat patients.

"sociologists whose government-funded research shows new housing regulations are proving particularly damaging to the homeless; ecologists who discover new planning laws are harming wildlife; or climate scientists whose findings undermine government energy policy. All would be prevented from speaking out under the new grant scheme as it stands."


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
the fact they would TRY to do this proves their evil
and yes it is *EVIL*
and as before with such things, they push, push push
if forced to retreat they will try again later or change or hide it in other laws/bills

other day the SCUM in Westminster decided "Dodgy Dave Cameron" wouldn't be investigated for being a corrupt SON OF A BITCH, over the offshores tax haven scandal

all this is part of a sick pattern
they are wrecking the Rule of Law and proving this is no Democracy, but headed into something far far worse than it is now.
the eventual outcome is inevitable.


Rebel without a biscuit
There is no ability to comment on the article. Thankfully the bill was struck down---this time. I have no doubt but that they will try again.

I'd be curious to know if the bills supporters thought initially that they would see ease of passage and not find much opposition--I don't imagine they could have thought it would be that easy. But now I suspect they will be more subtle in their future attempts. The fact that such a bill was even proposed is hard to fathom.

I hope there are journalists out there dedicated to paying attention for the next attempt and raising the alarm.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
Did you read this from the original article

"Politicians don’t have to agree with scientists, but does anyone believe we will make better decisions without evidence?"

Fiona Fox, Science Media Centre

Heh. She has done a good job of proving that the answer, in some case, is yes. At least, when the 'evidence' you use is disingenuous and any evidence that doesn't fit with the programme is ignored (by the SMC). Poor, cherry-picked evidence is worse than no evidence.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
I have difficulty deciding whether to call him "Flashy MacFlashmanface" or "Bully MacBullingdonface". Do you think an opinion poll would help? (Apologies to those not in the UK, who probably think me insane.)

nah that's too nice!

"Bacon butty" is minimum level of invective for the man who's more crooked that a pig's tail :p