I do have concerns the Edwards research is going to be used to push cfs into the FND box, its exponents eg Jon Stone already classify it so.
These Youtube videos might be revealing but i am unable to watch them all. In the Jon stone one he puts up a slide classing FM & CFS as FND and this was 2014.
Debate aboit hysteria and. FND
Dr Jon stone FND
As far as i know the treatment for uk FND is very similar to UK cfs, ie CBT/GET, challenge perceived to be unhelpful beliefs such as disease or damage, emphasise potential reversibility without medical treatment & address any stress/psychological disorders which might be contributing. It's classification Is in both neurology & psychiatry & It would be a happy place for cfs to be slotted if you look at things cynically.
I also think we should remember that prof Collin Blakemore who headed the MRC and guided its cfs focus on psychology and rehabilitation instead of biological research, despite the CMO report, and must bear some responsibility for the PACE & FINE trials, (lots of online evidence for that) now 2012, insists this is a brain disorder (see below) so that probably accords with fuzzy FND interpretations. These coincidentally require no change in approach for cfs and also does not recognise it as a multi system disease as the IOM do. .
"As a neuroscientist, Blakemore emphasises that CFS is undoubtedly a disorder of the brain. “But some people make a fierce distinction between neurology and psychiatry, which is deeply offensive to people with mental health problems in general. CFS is probably a constellation of clinical conditions, like schizophrenia or dementia.”
The Blakemore quote is from an article supporting Simons Wesselys receipt of the John Maddox award, bravely studying CFS his way, despite opposition.