I don't think this has been mentioned here before, not sure though, so apologies if it has been brought up. I'm sure some of the UK people here are familiar with the case but I hadn't heard of it.
Lynn Gilderdale came down with severe ME/CFS as a teenager. She had the bedbound, bedsore, paralysis, feeding tube, not-being-able-to-speak type of severity, that was unremitting until her early 30s. Her mother says she had been hospitalized many times for serious complications.
Her Mom, Kathleen, quit her job to take care of Lynn. Lynn had attempted to kill herself twice, and finally Kathleen helped her by dispensing fatal doses of morphine. Kathleen was arrested and charged with Lynn's murder. She plead guilty to a lesser charge but is being tried for attempted murder, despite the advice of the presiding judge.
No matter what my personal feeling about assisted suicide, I only have compassion for Kathleen. What a horrible tragedy.
Lynn Gilderdale came down with severe ME/CFS as a teenager. She had the bedbound, bedsore, paralysis, feeding tube, not-being-able-to-speak type of severity, that was unremitting until her early 30s. Her mother says she had been hospitalized many times for serious complications.
Her Mom, Kathleen, quit her job to take care of Lynn. Lynn had attempted to kill herself twice, and finally Kathleen helped her by dispensing fatal doses of morphine. Kathleen was arrested and charged with Lynn's murder. She plead guilty to a lesser charge but is being tried for attempted murder, despite the advice of the presiding judge.
No matter what my personal feeling about assisted suicide, I only have compassion for Kathleen. What a horrible tragedy.