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UK coronavirus - has anyone received a text saying they are in high risk category?

I was just wondering if anyone has received a text from the UK government saying they are at high risk of severe illness, and to remain at home for 12 weeks? It then goes on to say I can sign up for support for help with getting food and basic care.

I received this text today and am surprised as I didn’t think ME/CFS put me in this category. My Dad has leukaemia and received the text 3 weeks ago, so given I have only just got this text I wonder if this could be some kind of very strange spam text I have received. Or just sent in error? Having said that I have seen a news article on the BBC which says that GPs are putting more people on the list, so perhaps it is legitimate? Coronavirus: 'High risk' list misses off thousands of people https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-52123446 I still don’t think ME comes under any of the conditions they are using to put people in this category.

I have had a number of other diseases over the past 30 years, but as far as I know they are resolved and not active now (breast cancer, kidney disease, immunodeficiency). I am not in treatment for any of them.

Has anyone else with ME been put on the list for shielding?


Senior Member
South east England
As far as I know it is people's GPs or specialists who are contacting those most at risk. I would treat the text with caution. Hope someone else reads your post and can enlighten you!
Hi Andy,

Thanks for replying, I am guessing as there have been no other replies then the majority of people in the UK with ME have not been put on the extremely vulnerable list. I have this morning received an NHS letter in the post saying the same thing as the text, so I am going to call my surgery and try and find out why I have made it on to this list.

Hope you are doing ok.