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Two helpful books


Senior Member
I just wanted to share a couple of books that I found very helpful in my healing journey.

Anybody who likes to meditate may find the following book very helpful. It helped me gain a new perspective on life and spirituality like no other.

The other book is the one that has literally turned things around for me.
My health started to improve after knowing the humble life and spiritual powers of this amazing monk. I started to chance upon the right treatment, doing the right things and circumstances helping all the way (it had been quite the opposite before). And beyond my health. I've experienced a complete change for the better in every area of my life in a way which I still don't comprehend fully.


All the very best.


Senior Member
Asheville, NC

Can you tell me a little more about the Padre Pio book....isn't he a RC saint? Very poor...reached out to the poor?


Senior Member
Maybe consider adding these to the Resources section under "Books"?

Best, Timaca


Senior Member
Asheville, NC

looked on amazon, and bought both. Thanks so much for the links. Made it easier to order. Please, a sneak preview????


Senior Member
Yes Meg, Pio was a capuchin monk who embraced poverty, suffering of all kinds (at the hands of his own church as well) and worked for the poor. There are endless books on his life but the one I mentioned is my favourite. The author Fr Ruffin is a protestant and the book reflects a more sober (and less hysterical if I may say so) approach in reviewing the life of Pio than other books.
What stands out for me, are not so much the reported miracles, prophetic and spiritual powers of this man/saint (which I admit are amazing) but the example he set with his life. For anybody who wonders what being a Christian really means, the life and work of Pio answer that.

As for Anthony de Mello's book, it's a little gem full of so much wisdom and simple truths that I still can't fully digest despite having read it many times. He takes some passages from the gospels and links their meaning, as he sees it, to practical aspects of human life, the act of loving in particular.
His views reflect his knowledge of modern psychology and eastern philosophies which you can see integrated in the Christian message.
The book is very small in size but overwhelming in substance.

Hope you enjoy them.


Phoenix Rising Founder
I just wanted to share a couple of books that I found very helpful in my healing journey.

Anybody who likes to meditate may find the following book very helpful. It helped me gain a new perspective on life and spirituality like no other.

The other book is the one that has literally turned things around for me.
My health started to improve after knowing the humble life and spiritual powers of this amazing monk. I started to chance upon the right treatment, doing the right things and circumstances helping all the way (it had been quite the opposite before). And beyond my health. I've experienced a complete change for the better in every area of my life in a way which I still don't comprehend fully.


All the very best.

Thanks XRunner I loved the blurb and the focus on just having things be the way they are.

"Love springs from awareness," de Mello insists, saying that it is only when we see others as they are that we can begin to really love. But not only must we seek to see others with clarity, we must examine ourselves without misconception. The task, however, is not easy. "The most painful act," de Mello says, "is the act of seeing. But in that act of seeing that love is born." Anthony De Mello was the director of the Sadhana Institute of Pastoral Counseling in Poona, India, and authored several books. The Way To Love is his last


Senior Member
Asheville, NC
"The Way to Love", DeMello is amazing at helping to incorporate the eastern teachings into my Christian life. I recently read Toni Bernhard"s How To Be Sick, and this is the perfect sequel to that book! DeMello takes us deeper, forever digging. Wonderful.
Padre Pio, by Ruffin. Amazing. Yes, I can endure the suffering of CFS more easily while reading about Pio. Haven't finished yet, but I am hooked.

Cort..going to look into your suggestions. Tks

Recovery Soon

Senior Member
I just wanted to share a couple of books that I found very helpful in my healing journey.

Anybody who likes to meditate may find the following book very helpful. It helped me gain a new perspective on life and spirituality like no other.

The other book is the one that has literally turned things around for me.
My health started to improve after knowing the humble life and spiritual powers of this amazing monk. I started to chance upon the right treatment, doing the right things and circumstances helping all the way (it had been quite the opposite before). And beyond my health. I've experienced a complete change for the better in every area of my life in a way which I still don't comprehend fully.


All the very best.

I bought both and am enjoying them very much in concert. Thanks for the suggestion!