Turpentine for healing

I personally don't think anybody should ingest paint stripper. :)
I am not being funny but coca cola is a paint stripper. turpentine was used in the pharmaceutical industry up until 1979. you are advising people not to use it yet this cures lots of things.

If anyone wants to try this you start with 1 drop on a small amount of sugar every second day for a week or so then gradually increase healing is done overtime so as not to overload the liver. the cleansing effect this has in the body is very effective and will kill the parasites that are in our meat and sit in our digestive tract and consume the minerals that we need, this herbalist is quite simply way ahead of any doctor you all trust so blindly he has a very deep understanding of the body as can be seen in his 130 videos and 3 books he has written
The salt and turpentine cure for removing particles out of your skin that the governments are spraying on us is provable by all
If you have no interest in your own health then you can ignore this but this guy can most definitely help you here is the science behind turpentine and its amazing healing properties http://www.researchgate.net/publica...volatile_fraction_(-_and_-pinenes)_A_reviewif any of you have neuralgia then this helps with the pain it also the ingredient in vicks vaporub. it is amazing for clearing the lungs and has been proven to cure syphilis when you inhale it, only use the pure gum one although the other ones also work it is a well known fact that people who started working in the oil industry who had lung problems would cure themselves through ingesting the fumes from oil.
Apparently when terpenes (alpha-pinene is a terpene) become oxidized (and they are very easily oxidized on air exposure), they become allergenic. Refs: 1, 2.

This is why perfumes are often problematic as far as chemical sensitivity is concerned, as terpenes are commonly used in perfumes. You spray the perfume on your skin, but the terpenes oxidize in the air, and then become allergenic.

These studies do not show turpentine Is allergenic in fact the oxidisation from terpenes is beneficial In our bodies!
from the study I provided earlier http://www.researchgate.net/publica...r_volatile_fraction_(-_and_-pinenes)_A_review
Perfumes are, next to nickel, the most common allergic
substances in the world. This property is connected with
the fact that the majority of oils are sensitive to oxidation
[5]. However, in some oils, like in the Indian plant
[6] as well as in turpentine, the ageing/oxidation contributes to the therapeutic effect of these compounds, although they have the highest peroxide index of all terpenes
[7]. For example, old oxidized terpenes become water-soluble (instead of lipid-soluble) and are able
to capture and deliver oxygen

Most of the essential oils are extracted with hexane which binds to the oil and is not good for us


Senior Member
I am not being funny but coca cola is a paint stripper. turpentine was used in the pharmaceutical industry up until 1979. you are advising people not to use it yet this cures lots of things.

Coca Cola is not a paint stripper. I am suggesting people not take any form of turpentine by mouth because there are no studies to say it's safe, it has a long list of adverse side-effects if taken internally that are nasty. It was used by the pharma industry in topical applications, not internal. It's always meant to have been used topically not internally.


Senior Member
My grandfather used to tell a joke. He died 50 years ago. It was an old joke even then.

1st farmer: "My horse is sick. I'm going to get something for it."

2nd farmer: " I gave my horse turpentine."

sometime later

2nd farmer: "How's your horse."

1st farmer:" I gave it the turpentine , but it died."

2nd farmer :"That's funny so did mine."

Accents should be adapted to the region of performance.
Coca Cola is not a paint stripper. I am suggesting people not take any form of turpentine by mouth because there are no studies to say it's safe, it has a long list of adverse side-effects if taken internally that are nasty. It was used by the pharma industry in topical applications, not internal. It's always meant to have been used topically not internally.

Yes there are studies that say its safe for internal use, you are quoting what others are telling you and funnily enough these people make around 100 thousand dollars a year selling cancer drugs to people that do not work. you are even telling me something that I have tested in that coca cola is a paintstripper paint some metal/wood then get some coke and put the painted metal or wood into it.

this is from the merck manual 1889 http://www.gutenberg.org/files/41697/41697-h/41697-h.htm
All analyses at these Laboratories are so conducted as to assure the best service attainable on the basis of the latest scientific developments. The laboratories are amply supplied with a perfect quality of reagent materials, and with the most efficient constructions of modern apparatus and instruments. The probable cost for some of the most frequently needed researches is approximately indicated below:

Turpentine Oil: in 1/2 oz. doses internally for three or four nights successively.

the work was taken out of the manual in 1979 because if you read between the lines it is a cancer cure and removes parasites pharmaceutical companies are businesses and work for money not peoples health they are customers and that is how they will stay as long as they listen to doctors who funnily enough are paid huge bonuses to sell the drugs that are produced and not give out genuine advice how many people on here have been cured from CFS by the pharmaceutical industry.

so lets break the ingredients down and find the toxicity http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jps.3030470608/abstract

l-a-pinene none here

now methyl chavicol nothing if you dig far enough yet it can be used as a psychedelic yet it is in fennel basil and camphor.
Estragole (methyl chavicol) is suspected to be carcinogenic and genotoxic, as is indicated by a report of the European Union, Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products[2]. Several studies have clearly established that the profiles of metabolism, metabolic activation, and covalent binding are dose dependent and that the relative importance diminishes markedly at low levels of exposure (i.e. these events are not linear with respect to dose). In particular, rodent studies show that these events are minimal probably in the dose range of 1-10 mg/kg body weight, which is approximately 100-1000 times the anticipated human exposure to this substance. For these reasons it is concluded that the present exposure to estragole resulting from consumption of herbal medicinal products (short time use in adults at recommended posology) does not pose a significant cancer risk. In the meantime exposure of estragole to sensitive groups such as young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women should be minimized. The Scientific Committee on Food from the Health & Consumer Protection Directorate-General took a more concerned position and concluded that "Estragole has been demonstrated to be genotoxic and carcinogenic. Therefore the existence of a threshold cannot be assumed and the Committee could not establish a safe exposure limit. Consequently, reductions in exposure and restrictions in use levels are indicated.[3]

Read more: http://web.archive.org/web/20120429050313/https://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=151249#ixzz3j1ip8fa2 there is a link on here relating to its LD50 information but it has been disabled yet the poster states he cannot see where the toxicity is when he examined it, so lets go and find other scientists who have researched this and analysed the urine when ingested which found the body neutralises the benzene in it http://herbpedia.wikidot.com/methyl-chavicol

Limonene is generally recognised as safe so that one is easy it also removes carcinogens from the body I don't trust pubmed normally they took down to of Rez Newnhams studies into arthritis when he proved Boron was extremely beneficial in it but this paper tells us of a couple of benefits of http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18072821[URL='http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18072821']http

sesquiterpenes well this one deletes bad information in cells and is really high in sandalwood cedarwood and Myrhh none of these are toxic are they?

Ok so how does the body use turpentine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mevalonate_pathway
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMG-CoA_reductase so it produces cholesterol dissolves kidney stones due to the rubber that sticks in the kidney when it assimilates with calcium, cleans your adipose tissue out of the toxins that get stored in it, cures some cancers where as the official cancer drugs the government force you to take through there illegal laws which attack natural cures only has a 2% survival rate to survive 5 years.

you cannot listen to what you are told you must take responsibility for your own health do enough digging and you will come up with answers that will only benefit you.
only take 1 drop of turpentine on some sugar or honey every other day due to the nasties inside you that can cause toxic shock in your liver when the turpentine kills them, so bit by bit to start with and build up and only buy it when it comes in a glass bottle as the genuinely bad chemicals that they add into plastic leach into the turpentine (or water) plastic should not really be used in conjunction with food you should also be taking silymarin this is amazing for your liver and repairs and cleans it[/URL]
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ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Just a few points:

A compound does not necessarily produce effects that would be expected from the components. Conversely, isolated components do not necessarily have similar effects to those of the compound(s) from which they are extracted.

Non-human studies really tell us little or nothing about effects in humans.

We are not supposed to advise others what to take.


Senior Member
Yes there are studies that say its safe for internal use, you are quoting what others are telling you and funnily enough these people make around 100 thousand dollars a year selling cancer drugs to people that do not work. you are even telling me something that I have tested in that coca cola is a paintstripper paint some metal/wood then get some coke and put the painted metal or wood into it.

Where are those studies on humans that state that human consumption of Turpentine oil is safe. I am not quoting anything from anybody remotely related to Cancer drugs or any other big Pharma connection. Of course, the dose of something is always important and I doubt a drop of turpentine would do much but:
The mean oral lethal dose of turpentine for humans ranges from 15 to 150 mL (~13 – 129 g; 95 – 947 mmol). Systemic toxicity to turpentine usually results in gastrointestinal (GI) irritation and central nervous system (CNS) depression within two to three hours of exposure; symptoms generally subside within 12 hours except in severe exposures. Acute exposure to high levels of turpentine for several hours results in ocular irritation, headache, dizziness, nausea, and tachycardia. Severe exposures may cause death. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has calculated that a concentration of 800 ppm (4457 mg/m3 ) is immediately dangerous to life and health.

The generally accepted information is that Turpentine oil is unsafe when taken by mouth and it can cause side effects including headache, sleeplessness, coughing, bleeding in the lungs, vomiting, kidney damage, brain damage, coma, and death.

If coca-cola was a paint stripper, those who like to drink gallons of it a day would likely get very sick -- there is a reason paint strippers have a skull and crossbones on the label, there is a reason you don't find paint stripper in the carbonated drinks section of your local grocery store and there is a reason you don't find coca-cola in hardware stores. I guess if coca-cola strips paint then water and soap are paint strippers too --You can clean latex paint from paint brushes with soap and water very effectively. I think coca-cola is nasty just because it's mostly fructose. You might want to investigate how different chemical reactions happen. I can clear a clog in my sink with vinegar and baking soda, that doesn't mean vinegar and baking soda are 'drain cleaners'.

Surely you can produce something more recent, science has changed quite a bit since 1889.

All analyses at these Laboratories are so conducted as to assure the best service attainable on the basis of the latest scientific developments. The laboratories are amply supplied with a perfect quality of reagent materials, and with the most efficient constructions of modern apparatus and instruments. The probable cost for some of the most frequently needed researches is approximately indicated below:

Turpentine Oil: in 1/2 oz. doses internally for three or four nights successively.

the work was taken out of the manual in 1979 because if you read between the lines it is a cancer cure and removes parasites pharmaceutical companies are businesses and work for money not peoples health they are customers and that is how they will stay as long as they listen to doctors who funnily enough are paid huge bonuses to sell the drugs that are produced and not give out genuine advice how many people on here have been cured from CFS by the pharmaceutical industry.

1/2 oz is 14 mls. The lowest lethal dose happens to be about 15 ml, maybe they took the information out when somebody got poisoned with 1/2 ounce.

I don't need to read between the lines and if you are going to make comments like that, why not have some supporting evidence. Perhaps it was taken out, because it was determined it was dangerous and quacky. Your argument that continually goes back to big pharma, doctors making money has nothing to do with why turpentine is no longer considered a medicine except by quacks. Usually when that kind of argument is used, no evidence exists that would support an argument for using a certain substance.

so lets break the ingredients down and find the toxicity http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jps.3030470608/abstract

l-a-pinene none here

now methyl chavicol nothing if you dig far enough yet it can be used as a psychedelic yet it is in fennel basil and camphor.
Estragole (methyl chavicol) is suspected to be carcinogenic and genotoxic, as is indicated by a report of the European Union, Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products[2]. Several studies have clearly established that the profiles of metabolism, metabolic activation, and covalent binding are dose dependent and that the relative importance diminishes markedly at low levels of exposure (i.e. these events are not linear with respect to dose). In particular, rodent studies show that these events are minimal probably in the dose range of 1-10 mg/kg body weight, which is approximately 100-1000 times the anticipated human exposure to this substance. For these reasons it is concluded that the present exposure to estragole resulting from consumption of herbal medicinal products (short time use in adults at recommended posology) does not pose a significant cancer risk. In the meantime exposure of estragole to sensitive groups such as young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women should be minimized. The Scientific Committee on Food from the Health & Consumer Protection Directorate-General took a more concerned position and concluded that "Estragole has been demonstrated to be genotoxic and carcinogenic. Therefore the existence of a threshold cannot be assumed and the Committee could not establish a safe exposure limit. Consequently, reductions in exposure and restrictions in use levels are indicated.[3]

I am not interested in rat studies, they are not well applied to humans.

Read more: http://web.archive.org/web/20120429050313/https://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=151249#ixzz3j1ip8fa2 there is a link on here relating to its LD50 information but it has been disabled yet the poster states he cannot see where the toxicity is when he examined it, so lets go and find other scientists who have researched this and analysed the urine when ingested which found the body neutralises the benzene in it http://herbpedia.wikidot.com/methyl-chavicol

Limonene is generally recognised as safe so that one is easy it also removes carcinogens from the body I don't trust pubmed normally they took down to of Rez Newnhams studies into arthritis when he proved Boron was extremely beneficial in it but this paper tells us of a couple of benefits of http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18072821http

I would suggest you take a look at chemical compounds, and do a bit of reading of toxicology and toxicity.
sesquiterpenes well this one deletes bad information in cells and is really high in sandalwood cedarwood and Myrhh none of these are toxic are they?

Ok so how does the body use turpentine
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMG-CoA_reductase so it produces cholesterol dissolves kidney stones due to the rubber that sticks in the kidney when it assimilates with calcium, cleans your adipose tissue out of the toxins that get stored in it, cures some cancers where as the official cancer drugs the government force you to take through there illegal laws which attack natural cures only has a 2% survival rate to survive 5 years.
I am sorry but this is totally illogical. The action of an enzyme has nothing to do with the properties of turpentine and how it behaves in the body.

you cannot listen to what you are told you must take responsibility for your own health do enough digging and you will come up with answers that will only benefit you.

I can listen to what I am told and then I can take it or leave it. The information you have provided is incorrect and illogical. So because I don't want to ingest a poisonous substance that has would do nothing for ME, I am not taking responsibility for my own health. I think it's very responsible to choose not to ingest a poison. I have done a heck of a lot of digging regarding my health and have come up with lots of answers that benefit me. You really shouldn't tell people they are causing their own illness because they won't ingest a poison.

Please don't offer medical advice, we have a rule about that. I was totally unaware that ME is caused by toxic shock in the liver caused by 'nasties'. Where did this even come from? Did I miss something in the ICC or CCC? Toxic Shock of the liver sounds akin to liver failure -- drinking any kind of nasty substance like turpentine would be contraindicated. What are the nasties exactly? Why should a person with ME take a drop of turpentine -- what symptoms would it help?
I came across this site today and was interested in all the comments regarding turpentine.

My father passed away in april at the age of 87 and I remember him teĺling me how his mother gave him and his two sisters turpentine on sugar cubes on a regular basis. In fact it was when I was googling this that I came across the site.

There are a number of comments questioning the injestion of turpentine so for what it is worth I feel that I can add to the conversation in some way.

Firstly it never did any harm to my father and aunties and secondly my understanding of why it is so beneficial is as follows.

Two of the challenges we humans face are parasites and moulds. These are also the greatest challenges for trees in the forest and as they are unable move they must rely on powerful natural chemicals designed by nature to kill these parasites and moulds.

The extracted turpentine from pine trees contains the chemical weapons the trees use to protect themselves and that will kill parasites and moulds in humans.
Oil, coal are also made from trees and other vegetation so many of these beneficial chemicals can be extracted from coal ind distilled form crude oil.
If nature, over millions of years, has perfected the finest chemicals to protect the trees that stand otherwise defenceless for a 100 years and if we can safely uses them, as my father did, then we should count our blessings and thank our ancestors for passing the remedies on to us.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I came across this site today and was interested in all the comments regarding turpentine.

My father passed away in april at the age of 87 and I remember him teĺling me how his mother gave him and his two sisters turpentine on sugar cubes on a regular basis. In fact it was when I was googling this that I came across the site.

There are a number of comments questioning the injestion of turpentine so for what it is worth I feel that I can add to the conversation in some way.

Firstly it never did any harm to my father and aunties and secondly my understanding of why it is so beneficial is as follows.

Two of the challenges we humans face are parasites and moulds. These are also the greatest challenges for trees in the forest and as they are unable move they must rely on powerful natural chemicals designed by nature to kill these parasites and moulds.

The extracted turpentine from pine trees contains the chemical weapons the trees use to protect themselves and that will kill parasites and moulds in humans.
Oil, coal are also made from trees and other vegetation so many of these beneficial chemicals can be extracted from coal ind distilled form crude oil.
If nature, over millions of years, has perfected the finest chemicals to protect the trees that stand otherwise defenceless for a 100 years and if we can safely uses them, as my father did, then we should count our blessings and thank our ancestors for passing the remedies on to us.
I wonder how much turpentine your father and aunts took?

It should be remembered that what is good for plants is not necessarily good for people. Here is a list of toxic plants, many of them lethal.

Even what is good for one animal species - even our closest relatives - is frequently no good for us, and even what is good for one person is not necessarily good for another. We find this here - that even supplements or foods that some people thrive on cause others serious problems.


Senior Member
Aren't there medications that would do the same thing as turpentine but with a better safety profile.

I detailed earlier in this thread that the primary ingredients of turpentine are: alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, with lesser amounts of carene, camphene, dipentene, and terpinolene.

Alpha-pinene is a main component of tea tree essential oil.

Alpha-pinene and beta-pinene are also found in rosemary essential oil (around 22% of rosemary essential oil is alpha-pinene).

And juniper berry essential oil contains around 44% alpha-pinene.


Senior Member
Just food for thought. Do you think Edgar Cayce was careful enough not to kill his patients with turpentine

I haven't heard anyone refer to Edgar Cayce in decades. AFAIK, he's not taken seriously anymore, but I guess never say never. My mother had a brief fling with his ideas in the 1950s.

This is what James Randi said about him plus some information him from the skeptics dictionary.

Cayce "loved to have his patients boiling the most obscure roots and bark to make nasty syrups. Perhaps the therapy was based on nauseating the victim so much that the original illness was forgotten." --James Randi


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Senior Member
I detailed earlier in this thread that the primary ingredients of turpentine are: alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, with lesser amounts of carene, camphene, dipentene, and terpinolene.

Alpha-pinene is a main component of tea tree essential oil.

Alpha-pinene and beta-pinene are also found in rosemary essential oil (around 22% of rosemary essential oil is alpha-pinene).

And juniper berry essential oil contains around 44% alpha-pinene.

And for those of us who aren't fans of essential oils/supplements I, would think there are prescription medications that can fix you right up.


ETA That's suppose to be a joke/sarcasm.:D
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Senior Member
Several of my online friends are taking turpentine for candida and reported great results so I gathered up the courage to try it. I'm super sensitive to the point of going into anaphylaxis shock from too much die off so I tried just a drop the first day. I felt fine so I slowly increased up to 15 drops 3 times per day and I'm feeling really good on it. I did get some slight die off which I managed with charcoal. I noticed a surprising improvement in mood and much better sleep. I plan to add it to my arsenal of antimicrobials that I rotate.

I'm recovering from Lyme, co-infections, EBV, mold and mycoplasma, BTW.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@chilove Thanks for waking up this thread. I became interested by a more recent conversation about this, and spent many hours researching. I found no bad stories, many positive ones. I'd been trying to psyche myself up to repeat the Candida regimen I used a year ago, but just not getting it together to re-order the various herbal things I needed. Then I read this and became intrigued.

This is my 3rd week using *turpentine*. I'm quite clear we should be calling it pine oil. It bears little or no relationship to what we commonly call turpentine. I started w/ 2 drops, then 4 drops. I got considerable response from that, use coffee enemas to detox. A week later I used 10 drops (1/8 tsp), and today, a week later, 20 drops.

I've found this to be a very simple, and cheap, method. I feel I've got control over the speed and intensity of my process. I really appreciate that it's full spectrum, ie. parasites, fungus, not sure about SIBO. Before my first dose, after smelling the oil, I was afraid I'd be unable to tolerate it, that I might find myself nauseated and unable to eat, like my experience of MMS. But the taste is fine, and very short-lived. At least at these doses, I'm not burping it through the day (or at all). I'll be continuing this, maybe on some sort of fortnightly schedule, once I feel I've achieved full results.

Following up on Candida has been my last effort for better physical and mental energy. I don't have overt symptoms, but understand it to be incredibly persistent. I'd considered going to Sanum therapy, the homeopathic approach discussed in a thread of that name. However, when I asked a year later how the main proponents of Sanum were going, I didn't get any remarkable stories. So I decided to try this. :thumbsup:

Many thanks to @Hip for making the link to Juniper oil, and adding in the info about terpenes.
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Senior Member
@chilove Thanks for waking up this thread. I became interested by a more recent conversation about this, and spent many hours researching. I found no bad stories, many positive ones. I'd been trying to psyche myself up to repeat the Candida regimen I used a year ago, but just not getting it together to re-order the various herbal things I needed. Then I read this and became intrigued.

This is my 3rd week using *turpentine*. I'm quite clear we should be calling it pine oil. It bears little or no relationship to what we commonly call turpentine. I started w/ 2 drops, then 4 drops. I got considerable response from that, use coffee enemas to detox. A week later I used 10 drops (1/8 tsp), and today, a week later, 20 drops.

I've found this to be a very simple, and cheap, method. I feel I've got control over the speed and intensity of my process. I really appreciate that it's full spectrum, ie. parasites, fungus, not sure about SIBO. Before my first dose, after smelling the oil, I was afraid I'd be unable to tolerate it, that I might find myself nauseated and unable to eat, like my experience of MMS. But the taste is fine, and very short-lived. At least at these doses, I'm not burping it through the day (or at all). I'll be continuing this, maybe on some sort of fortnightly schedule, once I feel I've achieved full results.

Following up on Candida has been my last effort for better physical and mental energy. I don't have overt symptoms, but understand it to be incredibly persistent. I'd considered going to Sanum therapy, the homeopathic approach discussed in a thread of that name. However, when I asked a year later how the main proponents of Sanum were going, I didn't get any remarkable stories. So I decided to try this. :thumbsup:

Many thanks to @Hip for making the link to Juniper oil, and adding in the info about terpenes.

@ahmo, your experience is very similar to everyone's I've heard. Only positives to report as long as you start low and increase slowly. And it's so inexpensive! I tolerated MMS very well and it did wonders for me as well so I plan to rotate turpentine (pine oil as you say) into a rotation of anticmicrobials including MMS and colloidal silver to stay in remission.


Senior Member
I've been having problems with blocked nose/sinus for a few years, but slowly getting better with saline irrigation. I'm thinking of adding a few drops of pine oil to baby oil to lubricate my nose after a saline rinse. Would this be a good one to buy? Or do you think turpentine might work better for keeping bacteria / viruses at bay in the nasal area...