Being in tune with your body is one of the most important aspects of chronic illness.
Every morning (like for 25 years), I check my eyes when I put my eyemakeup on in the morning before going to work.
Always have done this, even before chronic health problems. For those older members of this forum, the original photo I had as my avatar was taken about 18 years ago. In it I look incredibly healthy (& I was). I didn't have a recent photo, so figured an old photo was better than nothing.
The faint yellow rim around the outside (apart from my poor liver blood tests - which have improved enormously recently) is my first sign of toxic liver or problems.
Dark circles under my eyes are another.
Crepey skin on the backs of my hands are another sign (of dehydration).
When I have to fast (for surgery), the first thing I notice is how dehydrated I get.
Pick up the skin on the back of your hand (no matter what your age) between two fingers & drop it. It should spring back flat fairly quickly. If it doesn't, you need to re-hydrate & get more oil (or healthy fats) in your diet.
If you can tolerate it, make sure you have some olive oil each day. I know many of you can't tolerate olive oil, perhaps apricot kernel oil or one of the other nut oils is a possibility. (keep in fridge in small quantities, apricot or avocado oil goes rancid fairly quicky).
Check your finger nails. Shiny, moist fingernails are good. Dry, brittle nails with ridges are often a sign of some deficiency in your diet.
Radom white spots may indicate an injury.
After surgery or serious illness, as your fingernails grow, you will notice a line or change across the finger nails appearance (from the time of your surgery).
Colour of skin is another (& texture).
I look like death warmed up (without makeup) because I never expose my face to the sun. Well, not since I had the last lot of severe sunburn & sunstroke about 20 years ago. I am fair & burn in the sun in about 9 minutes.
So much skin cancer & melanoma in our family. (of course I have to take a vitamin D supplement, but I would rather take that than encounter skin cancer).
Australians living in the southern island state of Tasmania nearly always have beautiful skin. They aren't exposed to the harsh drying sun of the northern states.
(Statistics have changed in Australia. It used to be that 1 in 3 people would get some form of skin cancer in their lives. The statistics now say 4 in 5 people will get some form of skin cancer. I think we have the highest incidence in the World).
You would have to eat alot of carrots to get that orangey tinge to your skin, but I have heard of it happening. Normal serves of carrots & fresh daily carrot juice should not make your skin go orange.
Too much coffee & tea are detrimental to your skin & organ function, but 1-2 cups a day should be ok.
Like everything in life, moderation is the key.
But for us chronic ill health sufferers, we need to pay greater attention to our diet, supplements, drugs etc. Observation of our appearance & listening to our "body talk" is a good first indication of how our organs & general health is.
Take a little time to read & understand some of these signs.