Turbana Contest--$25K Prize Based on Daily Vote!


Senior Member
Bonus Week - Aug. 4th at noon ET to Aug. 8th at noon ET.
For those on FACEBOOK: Please 'Like' and 'Share' PANDORA Org's photo. https://www.facebook.com/TurbanaGoo...2784076756876/705466066155338/?type=3&theater We are in the top 5 and can win bonus points during the bonus round beginning at noon ET today Aug. 4th. For those on TWITTER: Turbana will send a tweet to PANDORA Org. Please 'Favorite' and 'Retweet.' We will get a vote every time Turbana's tweet is 'Retweeted' or 'Favorited" beginning at noon today ET. https://twitter.com/_Turbana/status/496324735962058752 Thanks very much for your help!
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Senior Member
KEEN New York has been announced as the winner of the $25,000 prize. Thanks to everyone who voted and supported PANDORA, Inc.! They came in about 4th or 5th out of approximately 84 entries--an amazing effort against larger organizations!!! Your help in the contest is much appreciated!