tested my boundaries tonight it was all good. In my previous life i wasnt a bad tennis player, i played alot as a teen, tournaments etc no champion or anything like that but i enjoyed the sport, the only thing that stopped me from being a super star was just that i didnt have any talent, drive or athletic ability, other then that i could have won wimbledon
Its been 2 years since i last attempted playing tennis, i have had numerous comebacks since i have had cfs but as it goes, cfs as well as lower back issues have stopped me. So since my last attempt, have had a procedure on my back(facet joint ablation) which has helped my back pain and as this thread is about valcyte it too has helped me alot. So tonight i went to tennis, its a social comp and just doubles played, i was sort of excited and sort of worried about the consequences and not out of the woods yet. But it went well and i had fun, won 3 of my games and there was a few hints of yesteryear there too, i was abit rusty but the first game was an easy one, the next two were abit tougher but physically not too bad. My back pulled up ok, was getting alittle tight after my last game but to be expected since i havent really done anything that active for awhile. Legs feel alittle rubbery too but as expected. Generally with cfs any sort of exercise /activity makes one feel sick but i actually felt good, had abit of an endorphin rise like a runners high. This type of feeling just doesnt happen when ill with cfs, i just dont think our bodies can normally produce those endorphins, so i gauge the endorphin high as a good sign that my exercise mechanics are working.
But i say im not out of the woods yet as we have to wait if PEM kicks in, as well with my back its usually the next day i wake up stiff as a post (just thought of a new symptom PEM back). so tomorrow i will chill out and maybe stretch my back too. I started creatine again last week as i wanted to start trying to increase my activity and creatine can help with energy and recovery, im hoping. I am expecting to feel some soreness as i have been a couch spud for awhile.
So time will tell if the valcyte and other treatments have helped increase my physical boundaries more noticably and hopefully after i wake up im not posting here saying i feel like i have been hit by a bus. but im treading carefully and would like to continue playing tennis once a week and after a few weeks then add some light weight training back in maybe twice week to help strengthen my lower back.
fingered crossed that the next few days i can bounce out of bed. Im excited and nervous of what the future will holds.