@sunshine44 i like the oral vs skin percent absorption - so btythat calculation, one would need a slightly higher dose of transfermal than oral. I guess im stuck in thinking about progersterone which i once used transdermay. There, the transdermal dose is only about 1/10th the oral dose! But i guess oral progesterone absorption rate is so low, atypically So i guess the general amswer jd look yo
How much in percent gets absorbed orally for each med then estimate for skin its in the 70 percent range if done properly. Or to be on safe side can even assume 100 percent
For my second question i shoukd have asked it better. Ive been playing in particular with a fat based rather than a water based delivery system like yku were discussing. I also so not have premeasured doses of powder. . So was figuring let's say i make up
A 4 ounce jar, how much active ingredient do i add. Often with transfermals, one reads things like 3 percent concentration of X , where X is the active ingredient.but am not sure if i shoukd be thinking about that. But i think im realizing what to do- sort of. One wants the most a tive ingrediebt product in as small a delivery vehicle as possible (well i can think of exceptions but thats easy to fix after the fa t) . So i guess
step 1- figure out what transdermal
dose i want( based on the lookup answer of oral absorption percent of active ingredient like i describe above)
Step 2 figure out how to measure that amount from a big vat of powder (im working from “vats” of powder nnt premeasured pilks)
Step 3 figure out the smallest amount of the absorbable cream im using that can disolve that amount without grit
Step 4 multiply to get the number of doses/weight of powder for say 4 ounces of base
Ok so for step 2 i guess i need one of those scales for weighing teeny tiny bits- suggestions?
Alot of the other stuff i know about and i use patch transdermal and submuclusal aabsorption and footbaths but wq ting to step up my game
Very glad youve done stuff that works for you. I too have MCAS Thanks for responding