Trying Metformin for my hypoglycemia issues???


Senior Member
First I'm not able to get to the doctor.

And second I will collapse without any food so long :) I barely make the 2 hours. I would if I would be in better shape .


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
First I'm not able to get to the doctor.

And second I will collapse without any food so long :) I barely make the 2 hours. I would if I would be in better shape .

You can actually do it at home with a premeasured bottle of glucose from the pharmacy (which is what they use in the lab). You drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and check your blood glucose (with a glucose meter from the pharmacy) at the beginning and then every hour. When I did this test at a lab my glucose levels began to plummet after a couple of hours and were really low after 3, but I didn't feel shaky or weird after drinking that disgusting bottle of glucose. Of course they kept me in a recliner with a blanket.

If you did this at home you would want someone with you in case you did get symptoms. Just a thought.



Senior Member
Yes. I would need someone around.

2nd day of christmas I ate 2 pieces of pie. Mind you I don't eat any refined sugars . Anyways I felt pretty ok at first . I even felt a bit clear in my head . But then after. Wow .
I was really not able to do anything anymore. Very scary.

Anyways . After 1 day of Metformin I will stop . It takes too much out of me to continue. I barely make it through the day without . So .

Any other suggestions to stop this craving 4 food every 2 hours? And crashing if I don't eat??


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
metformin doesnt usually cause hypos as it works mostly in the gut to slow absorption of carbs/sugars. it does improve the ability of your muscles to use sugar for fuel also.

do you normally have issues with your gut? i wonder if the problem is there??

are you taking in enough calories if you cant last 2 hrs and also more slow burning food like meat/protein should help.

Jonathan Edwards

Dear Grigor,
If you do not yet know what is wrong with you and you have little or no understanding of endocrinology I think trying out stuff like metformin is very unwise. Even GPs are often aware how toxic these things are. One of the first patients I looked after as an intern was a young woman who had taken a bit too much metformin and it took us two days on intensive care trying to keep her alive with life threatening lactic acidosis.


Senior Member
Calories in the sense of?

Well yes my gut is a big problem for sure. Since a month I'm taking antibiotics against Lyme. De Meileir prescribed them to me. They don't help me for more energy or something. But my intestines are much better. Probably also because of the pro biotics.

@Jonathan Edwards. You're right that it's very unwise. But I'm pretty desperate after 8 years of ME. Like many of us probably.
Are you a physician yourself?
I have to say that I am very careful with "harddrugs". This is one of my first attempts to really try medication other then Hydrocortisone 4 a week.

I do wonder why I react so strongly to things like Chromium or in this case Metformin. Or actually like many of us we react strongly to supplements and meds. I know it's also part of low cortisol? My mother in law is 85 she pops a whole 500 mg metformin with no problems lol.

The only thing that was found till now was low cortisol in the morning when it comes to the hormones. Though I didn't react very well to the hydrocortisone either. I do have a lot of problems with OI also. So maybe Fludro would have been the better choice.
When wearing support stocking I do feel a bit less stressed out and less hungry.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
More calories and more protein than carbs can help stabilize blood sugar if it's an issue.
You can buy a glucometre and test your blood sugar several times a day, when u feel low, before and after eating. This may give u some ideas on what's going on .

As mentioned lactic acidosis is a risk factor but generally with higher prolonged doses but if your gut is screwed this could be playing a factor in it also.

As you mentioned cortisol helps with stabilizing blood sugar, can be hard to get it dosed right.

have you got any other sugar symptoms ie losing or gaining weight, increased urination, breath smells, blurry vision, anything else you think might be related.

I don't know much about it but there is a condition where you can have a benign tumor on your pancreas which increases insulin production and can cause hypoglycaemia? Worth researching it.

I remember reading that a normal glucose tolerance test over 2 to 3 hours wasn't long enough to pick up abnormalities in some and longer duration may be needed. Worth asking your doctor more about it.

good luck.


Senior Member
Well other symptoms are gaining weight. Always a lot of urinating. blurry vision. Actually the whole reactive hypogycemia bunch of symptoms or the adrenal fatigue one.
I used to be very skinny . I'm not fat haha but for sure much more weight compared to what I eat let's say.
Last year I had a major relapse. And lost 6 kg within 2 weeks . Since then I have the extreme reactive hypo issues with needing to eat every 2 hours.
I did stop taking L-Carnitine. I read it does have infuence on your insuline levels . I also stopped eating gluten. It might have influences my gut a lot. I felt I was I was in a rollercoaster while lying on bed. Been in a dark room for 3 months.
So went back on the gluten and Carnitine.
After things calmed down I stopped with the gluten again. Again a lot of cold turkey but managed much better . So I was either prepared or the combination with Carnitine and gluten was too much.
Anyways since i am taking the AB my intestines are great. But I think that's more due to the probiotics.