We agree on something she is a quack.
@Marky90 was abused for in Canada we have freedom of speach:
Seconds later a guy tried to manhandle me, I pushed him back and told him to f***k off
Many have been bedbound for more than 2 years which Marky has.
There is a serious problem going on in Europe? ME is now MUS and POTS is now MUS.
The one man on this whole forum after being sick for 2 years in bed throws a coffee cup and damages a door..a mistake he admitted...and yet most people cant even begin to think of standing up to her cause they are too sick.
Counter Productive is not figuring out how to effectively protest after 70 years of neglect. Thats counterproductive.
I commend and I forever grateful to those at MEAction for starting this.
MEAction is doing something about it and people are protesting.
I see small protests over in Europe which is great, though when it appears to me things are really not looking good Fitnit....trails with kids....MUS trying to be spread to the whole EU.....thats pretty scary...
I aknowledge the throwing of the coffee cup and his mistake.
I am seriously asking how do you stand up to these powerful people?
We are in an unfair situation and the group that spread their beliefs and influenced the world is promoting more harm.....
I know things are happening but things dont look good over their especially in some EU Countries.
The people promoting the 'ME/CFS terrorists' stories know that they're exaggerating and fear-mongering, and they know that it works for them, so anything that gives them ammunition is to be avoided imo.
Well maybe its time that a ME/CFS Patient Gets to stand up and share his story of neglect disdain and use of clinical trial drugs to help restore him to health. Because he is bedbound.
If the man aknowledged his regret for an action he made then I dont think more needs to be said.