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trimipramine aka surmontil for sleep


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australia (brisbane)
Hi all,
stumbled accross this med last night googling, it seems to be like a tricyclic antidepressant with minimal effect on noradrenaline. From the stuff i read it is good for insomnia, one person saying that they had tried everything and had no luck until she tried surmontil. Wasnt alot of info out there, so interested in others experience with it.



Senior Member
I think Trimipramine was the last anti depressant I took and the most successful. It was for treating depression so I took a full dose. It was better for sleep than another tricylic I took just before this one. I have a long long list of ADs I tried before this one but this was the best of the bunch for me. I did find however that it made me feel a little detached from everything and I think it made me put on weight too as well as common side effects like nausea and dry mouth but I was on quite a high dose. Everyone seems to react differently to antidepressants so this is just my experience.