treatments/suggestions given to positives


Senior Member

Just an update; my dr recommended me to tae 3 x 500 mg NAC daily....



Yeah I would be up for going into a clinical trial, as long as it isnt AZT really
But i'm sure ill get the placebo ....

I would think a "double blind study" would not be uneccesary with drugs already FDA approved; Everyone in the study should get the drug.

I know there are some doctors trying AZT, but I wouldn't do it if I could because it may create a resistant mutation due to inadaquate treatment.


Senior Member
ok all of you know I am not up there with the Scientific stuff. I was on WIP's facebook site and one fan said she took plaquenil and Mikovitz even mentioned it. This drug is an immune modulator? She says she feels better.
Do any of you take this drug or know about it? Is it for lupus or Ra?


Senior Member
Plaquinil is hydroxychloroquine, a drug that is mainly used to treat malaria (those strains that aren't resistant). It supposedly has the effect of taming down some aspect of the immune system so it could conceivably make someone who feels bad because of immune activation (or autoimmune disease) feel better.

The main advice I heard from my CFS Dr. regarding what they are telling people who have tested positive to XMRV was there was that antioxidants and NSAIDs might be helpful (and probably won't hurt). But mainly the advice was to sit tight and "dont do anything stupid" to make yourself worse between now and when they start clinical trials of XMRV therapy - which I got the idea where going to happen relatively soon. Similar, but not the same, to the Dr. Klimas "now is the worst time to give up" comment. They seem very nervous about people buying AZT or similar drugs on the black market and treating themselves and then causing themselves permanent harm - when the feeling is that there will be a more safe and effective therapy to try in the setting of a clinical trial sometime soon. "Sometime soon"... <fingers crossed>


ok all of you know I am not up there with the Scientific stuff. I was on WIP's facebook site and one fan said she took plaquenil and Mikovitz even mentioned it. This drug is an immune modulator? She says she feels better.
Do any of you take this drug or know about it? Is it for lupus or Ra?

Hensue, Plaquenil is often used in the treatment of RA and Lupus and other auto-immune diseases. It's an old drug that supposedly works well, although it can take quite some time to show results.


The drug can cause severe occular damage which in some cases is irreversible causing blindness In many it is well tolerated but regular eye checks are essential