I wouldn't use such strong statements. I used to think homeopathy was a joke however the more I have learned about water, the more I think there is a plausible mechanism.
If you had learned from meta-analysises and systemic reviews you would still think it's a joke.
I think current scientific understanding is very wrong on some big topics. This means I keep an open mind on these things
Science is usually wrong when there is scant research, when only a few scientists dominate the field, and when research only comes from small number of countries. You may recognize PACE trial and psychosomatic narrative in this description.
Debunking of homeopathy has happened in numerous countries, from Switzerland to Spain to UK to Canada to Australia. WHO, US FDA, FTC, Australian MNHMRC, UK ST... all declared homeopathy ineffective. James Randi has taken bottles upon bottles of homeopathic sleeping pills and then stood and held lectures without so much as a yawn.
For homeopathy to be real majority the laws of physics, biology and chemistry would have to be wrong. This is never going to happen. Even when Einstein came along he didn't tear down Newton, he built upon his work and expanded. This stuf is not just theory. These things are not just some words on paper scientist publish to keep their tenure, they have proven themselves over and over again in practice.
Without overstating it, homeopathy has the same chance of being correct as does flat-earth.
More on topic, does anyone maybe know what were the 3 potential treatment options Dr. Davis mention in his recent video? I am assuming two are Suramin and Rituximab.