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treatment for three months, some symptoms prevail.

Hello everyone,

I would like to start by mentioning that I am not diagnosed with fatigue syndrome, but with b12 deficiency. I'm writing here, because it is best place to get some understanding of health condition I'm having.
So approximately four months ago I was diagnosed with b12 deficiency - 161 ng/L, and was experiencing symptoms for quite a long time, for one and a half year. At the beginning I had occasional tingling and numbness that I ignored completely, but then started quite serious symptoms, and I even don't know if everything of it can be connected to b12 deficiency. I was vegetarian for three years previously to that, and started eating meat, when my symptoms worsened but they prevailed - pain in the legs all the time, heavy inflammation and difficulty to walk due to pain and weird feeling of imbalance. Eating meat didn't help with symptoms. Now four months ago I started with cyanocobalamin injections and tablets for one month, my general health improved, but I thought that that was largely due to other drugs I used. Then I passed on to methyl-cobalamin for two or more months and now use folate with jarrows mb12. I of course feel more healthy than those four months before but I have questions about my present condition: strangest of symptoms was actually feeling as if some changes in skeleton occur in my legs, that was because of weird feelings and also appearance ( my feet got wider, my knees was somehow overextended and ankles became fat and blurred with calves). And now I am still experiencing weird feeling around my knee joint and legs in general, that I assign to skeleton chnge but maybe they are just manifestations of deficiency? Could it be so? Also I developed some kind of vein spiders at my ankles etc. And because my deficiency most definitely was caused by my diet, is it possible that I will heal completely? Thanks.
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Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@LaDiDa - your symptoms sound similar to edema, buildup of fluid which will cause your ankles and calves to swell. Edema is one of the symptoms of potassium deficiency, and taking B12 and folate after you have been deficient most definitely can cause depletion of potassium because they increase your need for it.

You might want to check out this post and read the parts about potassium: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/active-b12-protocol-basics.10138/

I don't know if this is your problem, but it's possible. When I first started taking folate (had already been taking methylcobalamin), my potassium levels dropped a lot in a couple of days. My chief symptom was severe fatigue. The drop in potassium occurs because suddenly your body is starting to work as it should and it requires more potassium.

I started taking a potassium supplement, about 200 mg. 3 x a day, and worked up to 1000 mg. a day in divided doses - it's not good to take huge amount all at once. I still take extra potassium some 5 years later, plus drink low-sodium V8 which is high in potassium.
Yes potassium could be an issue, but for me the inflammation was way before I started to take b12, and isn't it an symptom for b12 deficiency?


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@LaDiDa - I haven't heard of that type of inflammation being due to B12 deficiency - but it could be, I just don't know.

Regardless, I would still look into potassium, it may be of help.

Your post is a little confusing re time: you say that you were diagnosed 4 months ago with a B12 deficiency and starting using cyanocobalamin, and then you switched to methylcobalamin for 2 or more years. Have you been taking methylcobalamin for over 2 years, or was that a typo?
Sorry, I meant months. English is just not my mother tongue, so.. Yes, well what could it be then, because when I started to take mb12 the inflammation wasn't so prominent, and isn't so anymore. But the thing is with feeling pain in legs and incapability to walk comfortable, is that can be caused by b12 deficiency, and if so, how long time does it take to heal completely, is it even possible, if I have experienced symptoms for one year or so? Although I'm pretty confident that I don't have any intrinsic factor that disables me to ingest b12.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@LaDiDa - your English is very good! I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same time period.

I don't know about your leg pain and difficulty walking. I wish I could answer your questions but I can't. Maybe someone else here can.

I would suggest again, trying potassium. Low potassium can cause swelling due to fluid retention (edema). It can also cause leg cramps. So it would probably be worth a little experiment to see if it helps. If part of the problem is due to low potassium, you should know pretty quickly.

Take care --


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
You will need methyl b12 injections for a while if they deficiency was for that long, using adeno b12, and acetyl L carnatine as well, will also help rebuild the nerves from my understanding.
Ok. And does consumption of potassium rich foods would be enough to balance folate and b12? And does nobody knows if b12 deficiency can cause also some skeleton change?