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Treatment for Cold Sores

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I know this is such a basic post. I am sorry for that. For the first time in over 20 years, I have developed 2 cold sores on my lip. I had one and it's dissipating and now another one is coming in. I can't believe this. I normally have them in my mouth, which is easier and better as these are unsightly and the one keeps bleeding. Sorry for TMI.

Valtrex yet again, has made me horrible ill. What do you do for cold sores? I know Lysine is the basic tried and true treatment. Can anyone else shed some light? Do you use lysine or is there something else you know of?

I am exhausted, too. I know my EBV is clearly acting up. The Valtrex caused my pain to skyrocket and it really didn't do that much because here I am developing another cold sore!


Senior Member
I have used Lysine in the past - but I had to take mega doses. And that was before I got super ill and back then it bothered my stomach. Then I started using valtrex. But since my current doctor didn't get records and hasn't seen me with an active infection, he won't prescribe it (sigh)... not that I'm sure I want to take it.

What I have found that works best for me is abreva - over the counter ointment that I apply the minute the tingle starts. If I apply it six to eight times a day for three days, I never get a blister and it's not visible. If I forget or wait to start it - it still blisters. And I don't need to mess with the md.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Try Camphophenique. It may burn when you first put it on but it'll dry out the lesions so they heal.

Oh another thing, although this may not be practical, the minute you feel one coming on but ice on it. Like a cube right on it for as long as you can stand it. Really stops it in it's tracks.

My EBV is on a tear now. I have a sore throat most of the time. And I got really sick on Valtrex so you're not alone.


Senior Member
Take artesunate orally to help reduce the duration of the cold sore and u can apply artemisia tincture directly to it.


Fine, thank you
I use Compeed patches, which help hide the cold sore and prevent it from spreading as well as treating it:


Weirdly, I can't find what the active ingredient is. I'd assumed the patches contained acyclovir but can't see anything that tells me that they do (even on the instructions leaflet in the packet).

However, they work well for me - I put one on at the first hint of a tingle and if a cold sore nevertheless (rarely) gets properly underway, they contain it and are pretty good cosmetically.
This is my recipe

2 tsp water (10ml)
5 drops peppermint essential oil
5 drops lemon balm (aka melissa) essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil

Put everything in a small bottle (one the size essential oils tends to come in is perfect) and give it a good shake before each application.

Apply with your finger to the affected area several times a day. You don't need much and it will keep in the bottle for months. It tingles when you put it on, but I don't find it painful.

If I can get the sore at the tingle stage it will stop it forming. If I'm a bit late, it stops it from hurting and misses the pus stage.

Also try and keep your zinc levels up. I became more prone when I became zinc deficient.

I find this recipe also works quite well as a spot ointment.


Senior Member
I use Compeed patches, which help hide the cold sore and prevent it from spreading as well as treating it:
Weirdly, I can't find what the active ingredient is. I'd assumed the patches contained acyclovir but can't see anything that tells me that they do (even on the instructions leaflet in the packet).

There isn't an "active ingredient" in that sense. The patches are a sterile gel (colloid) which protects the wound while it heals. Slightly more high-tech version of smearing some vaseline on it.


Fine, thank you
There isn't an "active ingredient" in that sense. The patches are a sterile gel (colloid) which protects the wound while it heals. Slightly more high-tech version of smearing some vaseline on it.

Wow! I've been deluding myself all this time.

They certainly do give me confidence that I'm not accidentally spreading the virus all over the place, though, and I've only had one occasion when my cold sores have developed into horrible weeping sores since I've been using them.


Senior Member
Wow! I've been deluding myself all this time.They certainly do give me confidence that I'm not accidentally spreading the virus all over the place, though, and I've only had one occasion when my cold sores have developed into horrible weeping sores since I've been using them.

I wouldn't say deluded. Dressings that promote moist wound healing are known to work. As you say, the patches stop the sores turning nasty so they are helping.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Actually, I opened up a pill of Acyclovir and put it on my lip....GONE the next day. It killed it.