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JT1024 Thank You, I picked up my apotex Trazodone At my locol Pharmacy Wallmart ,starting to get my brains back ,had such severe anxiety with the the other Pliva that should be outlawed.Also suicide rate was considerable higher with Pliva!!!.Now Trying to qwit smoking and hoping Its not to late ,,You no Apotex corp.Is suing the FDA for shutting down there Imports for two years becuse the US was 50% of Its buissiness ,,Politics that kill people ..thanks to you and this site ,I commend this Phenics thing for getting my med back So gratful to you.LowellI was given a prescription for 50 mg but I can only take 1/8 to 1/4 tablet. I live in Massachusetts so that is where I filled my prescription (at a Walmart pharmacy). Given that I cannot take much, I have never refilled the original prescription.
After reading this thread, I did a little research and found there were shortages and some problem with the FDA where Apotex seemed to not be able to import in the US. Not sure why. I've had too much on my plate to be able to investigate fully. Things seem to be ok now. It seems there are several suppliers of generic trazadone... not all have been highly regarded. It seems many have reported problems when the manufacturer has been changed and IMHO, that is not surprising.
I also saw a post by someone (not on this forum) that stated the quality of generics is not what we would expect. The variance of active ingredients can vary up to %20. I'm not sure if that is true but that is what someone else posted in response to patients having adverse effects to generic meds from different vendors.
I have Fibro as well as ME/CFS. I have found trazadone is extremely beneficial for sustaining sleep but not for sleep initiatition.
Good luck! ~ JT