If you don't have a herx reaction, which I do, taking one or two zithromax a week would probably be palliative for many. It might have other side effects though as it is kind of rough on the gut and who knows what else. I have to admit that if I did not have herx reactions it would be hard to resist pulsing antibiotics on a more regular basis than I currently do.
This is basically what I have been doing for some time now. The problem is that it doesn't work to set any kind of schedule for the pulsing; The need and response is not predictable. I have been using them more PRN (as needed), which is also very hard to predict when it will be beneficial (not to mention creating who knows what kind of superbugs).
My typical abx run: I'm in a flare and can see no obvious cause. I take either Azythromycin or Clarythromycin 250mg BID (2xper day). The second day, or at most within 24-48 hours, I get a profound clearing of symptoms. I continue with improvements 1-3 weeks but then begin to plateau and sometimes slide back down (not herxing). I can continue with the abx indefinitely without any further improvements (I've gone a year and more at least 3 times). I stop the abx and feel good for 1-3 weeks before sliding right back into pre abx condition. It doesn't matter the abx, combination of abx's, or the dose, this same thing happens every time.
I think the concerns for long term abx use are valid. Really hard on the GI system, including the liver and kidneys. My liver does not like abx. But it seems that pulsing would be ok.....yet not really ideal if the response is actually from killing bugs. I still lean towards immune modulation.