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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Diagnosis

My usual TCM doctor gave me a diagnosis of Kidney & Heart Yin Deficiency, but another TCM doctor that I saw recently said that my main problem was Liver Qi Stagnation.

So I'm curious, for those of you who receive or have experimented with TCM, what has your diagnosis been?


Senior Member
New Mexico
It's been some years. Spleen deficiency, kidney deficiency. Liver blood deficiency. Liver Qi Stagnation. I'm sure there were more that I can't remember. You can have more than one going on at the same time. It's up to the TCM doctor to know how to carefully navigate and which ones to focus on first, second, etc. I have worked under several TCM Docs...........mostly in the early years and I noticed they all worked differently in their approach. There was one that I went to that was especially good and I was in fact making improvement. He said he had to be particularly delicate in the way he worked with me. Sometimes I would come in and he would assess me and know that on that particular day ........he couldn't even give me acupuncture because my body could not take it. I would have continued seeing him had he not moved out of the area. He was the best I've ever been to.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Yeah, I generally agree with @Tammy....I only used two different folks- one mostly self trained, or apprenticed to other amazing healers; and the one I see now who does traditional herbs and acupuncutre.

I've been going to the same CTM for about 15 years. First I went- because of a bad nasty rash. My doctor- offered me nothing for this rash. Covering 1/3 of my body, the notion I would use "cortizone cream" was absurd. Forget them.

The rash cleared- 10 months later and never returned. I felt better on the herbs, so I rather gave up on the rash- so I placebo'd myself. I decided it wasn't working. Then boom- two weeks in month ten and its gone.

Mostly I'm severely Yin deficient, but have also blood stagnation and various versions of- what Tammy listed. Its been quite a while- years- so I don't even recall all aspects of- the illness as they might define it.

I'm unable to tolerate much acupuncture, so I rarely get needles unless something is an acute problem usually back pain...I can't clear. Then I get very very few, and don't stay long. Or I'll just get more sick from the dump.
That's interesting that it seems to have affected us all in quite similar ways. I wondered if that might be the case or if it depended upon your individual constitution.


Senior Member
New Mexico
The TCM specialist that I liked the best suspected that there may be a viral component to my illness so he addressed that as well.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
But if I see a TCM doctor for years and my problems are still there, I would change to another one. Persisted problems can also happen when we keep doing something wrong to our bodies.

FYI I never did a formal anti viral protocol thru TCM. Maybe I should have, I don' t know.

I rather went off most protocols for the last year. I;m back on digestive and lung moistening. Generally thats good.

I will be resuming my Go After the Longer List of Symptoms...those are a mix of 39 CTM herbs.......pretty soon.

I stopped during some gastroperesis...and then only wanted ginger ale.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
But if I see a TCM doctor for years and my problems are still there, I would change to another one.

I think that does make sense for many people.

In my case, I've been in this for a lifetime. At least 50 years. Maybe even 66. The idea of cured doesn't not seem realistic per se, unless we have our breakthru and find : the Source

Many of my issues are genetic, per CTM. There were no red heads in China (except out there in the Tarim Basin)....2000 years at least of using and experimenting with these herbs, they have no red heads.

so my Yin deficiency (as its described)...has a genetic component and- well I can cool down some but not entirely.

the other issue is: well we just simply have a very complex illness, maybe the trigger isn't, but these end results are....look at the latest research paper of what, say, oh 11 micro RNA's running around sending out the wrong messages affecting- hugely important aspects of our physiology.

So I tend to, at any given moment, work on some aspect, rather than every single thing thats wrong.


Senior Member

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Everyone can use the basic principles of TCM in their everyday activities for health and healing. To get the best health, learn TCM principles and apply them in our daily activities.

I think this may be possible now and then, but my practioner is highly trained, and highly skilled, and plus then other qualities which are helpful in being good at it.

the books/library your required to possess. Very Very expensive books. None of this exists on the internet. Nope.

He tells me: most graduates of the colleges in the US do not learn the traditional herbal protocols.

Because thats REAL hard work. And its also a costly investment in inventory.

So I would never personally launch self treatment, because I'm lucky i can access this highly skilled person.

In terms of daily practice of principals- the Diet is key.


Senior Member
For example, the US media never report that TCM curing rate for covid is over 90% and a few TCM doctors have 100% or close to 100% curing rate. The curing means total recovery without side-effect or "long-haulers".

I'm taking a considerable amount of TCM substances and Long Covid is still something that I've had to endure. And it has threatened to kill me, multiple times.

Covid-19 is said to eventually become part of the common cold.

The right question is, why aren't we more readily killed by the common cold?


Senior Member
I didn't mean self medical treatment but applying the basic principle of TCM to our food, diet, exercise, and everyday activities at home. This way:
1. We personally know if the doctor is good or bad, heal our illnesses or just treat symptoms to make us keep going back to them.
2. Can work together with TCM doctors to complete heal through both medical attention and daily actions.
3. If you are healthy, maintain good health and live long.

In turn of medical education, many students select acupuncture instead of acupuncture and herbal formula because a lot of more things need to learn about herbs, their effects alone, and their effects in combination on the body.
In turn of the books, you are right, these medical books are very expensive. But there are books, especial eBooks, that are for regular folks, easier to understand and apply to daily life, and much cheaper.
Can you please recommend some books ?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
In turn of medical education, many students select acupuncture instead of acupuncture and herbal formula because a lot of more things need to learn about herbs, their effects alone, and their effects in combination on the body.

I' ve tried to help my brother and his family. I gave him some pretty clear guidance on how to find the correct help AND he lives very close to where there are major Asian communities.

So he came back from that visit- without anything Chinese Traditional Medicine. I indicated- no, thats some European herb, and a supplement, you did not in fact find ANY CTM.

I can't imagine how i would read my own pulses or diagnose my own tongue symptoms which are incredibly complex, a literally road map to: the mess inside the body- its all on display, there on the tongue.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I'm taking a considerable amount of TCM substances and Long Covid is still something that I've had to endure. And it has threatened to kill me, multiple times.

well look what I just stumbled upon: a paper on COVID survivors mental health.... and chinese herbs and it discusses Bulbous Lilii

AND How odd and fascinating


It looks like Sir Doctor Sharpe- got over to China recently!


•Mental disorders in COVID-19 patients and survivors revealed that the COVID-19 had immune dysfunction.
Analysing the symptoms of COVID-19, TCM syndrome of the depression, anxiety and PTSD was interpreted as internal heat and Yin deficiency.
;•t;Depression, anxiety and PTSD pertains the category of “lily disease”, “hysteria” and “deficient dysphoria” in TCM.;Lily Bulb and Rehmannia Decoction, Lily Bulb and Anemarrhenae Decoction and Ganmai Dazao Decoction were used to treat the depression.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
It looks like Sir Doctor Sharpe- got over to China recently!

No- this is mostly about the mental health of folks who got COVID 19, got hospitalized, and got pretty depressed and anxious and who can blame them.

Great summaries on the herbs and their uses and qualities!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
, for those of you who receive or have experimented with TCM, what has your diagnosis been?

my main diagnosis is Yin deficiency- hard core genetic.

I wanted to mention that I've used TCM herbs with some success but generally Im not using any animal products...and so its NOT hard to ensure your not involved in those unsustainable aspects of TCM.

Which when you go online, thats seems to be mostly what everybody is focused on- some endangered animal being made extinct. Thats of course, totally not OK and I want nothing to do with it.

I do have: dehydated ground scorpions....raised humanly in Arachiphobia Farms.

Thats the sleeping pill. I- have it but- rather never took it. I'm also good at that.