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Senior Member
Can anyone recommend a toothpaste for MCAS/MCS? I've been scared to brush my teeth. I purchased this one: https://mydfx.com.au/products/redmond-earthpaste-113g-wintergreen-100-natural-toothpaste but wasn't sure if I was reacting so stopped. It does contain xylitol so I was thinking of ordering the unsweetened version.

I'm aware there's other options like sea salt etc. but when I googled none of them seemed safe for daily long term application.


nucleus caudatus et al
Ik waak up
By accident I did the same for quite a couple of years. With an electric brush it´s more difficult, but possible too (you can also use both one after another). In all the years I had only one hole (non-electric brush only). I drank coffee or tea enough, later I have read they contain fluorine, helping the mineralsiation.

[I mostly forget to brush my teeth in the morning, so I returned to toothpaste.]
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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I mix sodium bicarb + calcium carbonate. Also had a squirt of aloevera to be nice to my gums. And when I found that xylitol breaks up biofilm, I now add that also. Few drops of spearmint and aniseed essential oils for taste. And water enuf to make a thick mixture.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
at naturopathy collage, we made our own toothpaste from salt, bicarb and some drops of essential mint oil which we mixed together and ground the salt up. It did not taste all that great and with not having much energy I ended up using just bicarb on my toothbrush.

there a lot of good herbal toothpastes about thou. My favourite one of those was one I one time got from an Indian (India products) store which had all ingredients in it I knew.


Senior Member
You can just use water. You don't need any kind of toothpaste to brush your teeth......

I wish so much that would be enough but am not completely sure. I had to stop using toothpaste some weeks ago and after a few days I had several inflammed spots at the gums. :confused:


nucleus caudatus et al
Ik waak up
I just recall that when I used only water I havn´t eaten bread (but regularily cholcolate). Bread might be a real danger because it does not get washed away easily! You might try to look at different tribes and how they manage/d the problem.
Generel speaking the space between the teeth barly sees any toothpaste. And only since some years it has become usual to look for the interdental space to clean it as well (without toothpaste as it is barly possible). True though, the teeth try to repair damage (remineralisation), and only if there is too much bad influence they fail to do so. A solution might be to clean the teeth after each meal and using chewing cum as well.

A special problem for us might be that we may tend to display special gum problems, may be due to mastcells and/or nitric oxide dysregultaion?